Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 84

What a fantastic day it was! I do my best to have a good time no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Today was no different. Fridays are always nice, but this one was great! I had some meetings, worked to solve some problems, completed a report with a bit of analysis and began the task for work on explaining why something is happening and what we can do to improve things. Honestly, sometimes my work just gives me Goosebumps it's so great!

I have only 48 hours to get all the things on my list done and I'm worried I may have over planned. So, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to share my plan and then I'll use the blog for the next two days (days 85 and 86) to document whether I got everything done or if I had to make adjustments. You know, life is just full of adjustments! So here is my plan for the weekend:

  • Groceries/Provisions - I have to replenish the household supplies
  • Voiceover - Working on the audio version of chapter 1 of The Box
  • Learning to use new software - Animation software...doesn't everyone do animation?
  • Clean the dining room table - Yes, it's still a MESS and all my fault
  • Laundry - Have to make sure everyone has clean clothes for next week
Each one of these is going to take some time to accomplish. First, the groceries are usually a couple of hours (I like to read all the labels and look at the pretty makeup!) The voiceover is going to take a few hours. I'm not trying to finish this over the weekend. The main thing is I need to record myself doing the different voices so that I'm confident that I can make each character sound distinct. The software I'm learning is going to take weeks. This weekend I want to go through the tutorial. I'm estimating that will take me about 2 hours. To clean the dining room table I'm going to need a bulldozer and a month! Okay, I'm kidding, but it will take me about an hour to get that done. The laundry is something I do throughout the entire day on Sunday while I'm reading, resting, watching a movie...whatever I want to do. So, I think the first 4 things on the list will be done on Saturday and the last one with be on Sunday. Maybe I'll be okay. I still want to walk on Saturday and I'd like to do that during the day and OUTSIDE, please! I have to check the weather for that.

By the way, I wanted to share this video I found on YouTube about how to clean a bathroom in 3.5 minutes. Can I please have a bathroom like this?
First of all, let me just say that whomever lives here must have a makeup vanity somewhere else in the house. I can't imagine the top of the bathroom counter being so uncluttered! Anyway, since I'm trying to get things done this weekend and have some extra time to relax, I thought that little video clip was apropos! I hope you enjoyed it!

Today I ate a bit more than I would usually. My lunch was the leftovers from last night's anniversary feast. It was delicious, but that's over and now I move on with my plans. This week I'll be having My Fit Foods for lunch and dinner each day. I really like the Special K brand frozen sandwich (the one with the veggies and pepper jack cheese) with two slices of Butterball Turkey Bacon for breakfast, so that's what I'll be having next week for breakfast most days. Also, I would like a new snack for the afternoon each day. I have to work on what that will be...maybe pepper chunks and hummus?? We'll see what I come up with.

I've been using the elliptical trainer over the last couple of days during my exercise time. I like that machine as I really do sweat when I'm on it. My calves talk to me the whole next day and remind me that they are all worked up over the elliptical, if you know what I mean. It doesn't exactly hurt, but they do talk to me and say things like, "See what sweating does to us? Makes us all agitated!!" I just tell them to suck it up and quit being such wimpy calves! They'll settle down in no time. I'll not be tolerating complaining calves!

So, that's it for today! Perfect day? No, there is no such thing as a perfect day. God's got that gig all wrapped up, so there is unlikely to be a bunch of 'perfect' happening around here. Besides, who wants a perfect day anyway? Give me a good old-fashioned lunatic asylum type of day and I'm good! I know how to handle that! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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