Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 103

Is it okay if your personal renovation venture is on the verge of being called the 'Never Ending Project'? Here we are another day into this work that may never be completed. Every project is like a good story; there should be a beginning, a middle and an end. Since I can't see an end to this initiative, I thought I might have to stop referring to this as a 'project.' But what is in a name? Since I am the Customer, Brand, Project Manager and all of the team members rolled up into one person, I guess I can keep calling this work any thing I damn (watch out, Nancy! Gettin' a little frisky there with the language!!) well please! To me, projects are work and this is WORK! I have had a few days lately where I'm just dying to eat like I used to. What the heck (that's better) is the matter with me? Sometimes I think there must be something terribly wrong with me. Although I thought I was doing well portioning out the chef prepared foods, I think I'm going to have to take myself back to MyFitFoods and just stay there. This is too important to mess around with and waste time. I'm 54 for Pete's sake and so I don't have LOADS of time left to get it right.

It was another one of those days where I had to get up an hour earlier to be at work an hour earlier for a meeting this morning. I don't mind that, but I seem to have a problem staying asleep when I know I have to get up earlier than usual. I have an alarm set, but I still have some issues with waking up and checking out the clock. So, I was supposed to get up at 3:30am this morning, but instead I've been up since 2:30am. No wonder I'm tired and just want to eat the refrigerator.

If you've read all the blogs on this site, you know that I'm nuts and am working on improving myself. You may also have learned that I have a certain amount of passion for makeup, costumes, nail art and all the other stuff that comes with being a girl (yes, I'm still a girl). I read lots of makeup blogs from my favorite makeup artists (the best is as well as watch loads of makeup videos. Some are really fascinating for their artistic take on makeup and others are just plain helpful for me personally. I stopped wearing makeup in the 1980's because I suffer with Rosacea. Not rosacea, but ROSACEA! I have it in a big way. I'm lucky because it can be controlled with pills and topical ointment, but before the pills came along, I looked like this:
At the time I took this 'selfie' the only option my doctor could/would provide was a topical ointment (Metrogel). It could only help me to this point and it too burned me. You can see that it is all over my face, nose, chin even in my eyebrows! Let me just say that it is painful. I felt like my face was burning all of the time. Anyway, I wouldn't even attempt to put on makeup. However, I now see a dermatologist who is FABULOUS, by the way and she prescribed a pill (Oracea) that is FANTASTIC! With this little low-dose antibiotic I now look like this:
Yes, I was MUCH lighter in the rosacea picture (about 100 lbs. lighter) and I was younger (I was 5 years younger...and yes, we've been through weight loss before...**sigh**) but you have to admit, the skin part of my renovation project/program is working. I am able to wear makeup again and I'm really enjoying it. This is after more than 20 years not being able to even look at makeup, much less wear it! I love the pretty colors and seeing how the makeup enhances my appearance. I don't want to obliterate my skin, so I use a light touch as everyone should when it comes to foundation, but really, the meds are great! If you have rosacea or have anything on your face that looks like what I have above, GET THEE TO A DERMATOLOGIST...NOW!!! You too, can find relief. The medication isn't cheap, but I believe I am worth the investment. My quality of life is enhanced with the meds. Even with the extra weight on me, I still believe I look better today than I did 5 years ago. Maybe it's just because I know I can't go back and be 49 again, but I really do think I get better and better everyday that I work on my renovation. To refresh your memory, I'm working on: Eating, Exercise, Thinking, Skin and Teeth. Here is how I would rate my progress in each area on a scale of 1-5 (1=What? That was a goal; 2=I thought about the goal!; 3=I'm trying (weak word we don't use in this house) to improve!; 4=Progress is noticeable; 5=Poke me with a fork, I'm DONE!)
  • Eating -- 4
  • Exercise -- 4
  • Thinking -- 2 (I couldn't help myself...I thought about the goal...HA!)
  • Skin -- 5! (Yes, this is as good as it's going to ever be and I'm happy!)
  • Teeth -- 4
Although I consider my work done with skin, I know that I have to continue what I've done and keep the good habits with the meds and the skincare. Also, the more weight I lose, the healthier my skin will be. It's all good! Thinking...I'm doing okay. I still have to remind myself of stuff all the time, but I am positive and I know I'm doing okay here, if not great. Eating and exercise will always be a challenge for me, so much so that I often wonder if how I deal with food and exercise is actually part of my genetic makeup...hmmm? Let's all think about that for a few minutes... Can I improve my score on 'Thinking' to a 4 now? Nope? Okay. **sigh**

Thats it from my playground! It was a genuinely lovely day and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to see and share it with some lovely people. If you were missing, physically from my day, I missed you, but there is always tomorrow! Until then, keep your chin up, think about how great you are, eat when your hungry and stop when your full, take a little walk in the fresh air, wash and moisturize your pretty face and by all means, FLOSS YOUR TEETH!! There! That got all of the goals...can I claim improvement? Nope? Okay...  **big sigh**  and sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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