Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 93

It has been raining for about 12 hours now (now is 8am Sunday, October 13, 2013). Boy, did we need it! Over 7 inches of rain fell in the last 12 hours where I live. Other parts of the metropolitan area received more than 11 inches of rain! It is really great to see. I'll enjoy this day of domestic life while watching the quiet gloom of overcast skies. What are all the things I might do on a cloudy, rainy, gloomy day like today? Well, I've been dying to make a list, so this is as good an excuse as any I can think of, so here goes!

All The Things I Can Think Up in 5 Minutes To Do On A Gloomy Day

  1. Clean the house - This isn't the #1 thing I'd do, but I wanted to get the obvious out of the way.
  2. Laundry - Yes, right up there with 'Clean the house' on the excitement scale.
  3. Read - we're cookin' with gas!
  4. Watch TV - Okay, not my favorite, but there might be something good on to watch.
  5. Write - Yes, I'm doing that right now. **smile**
  6. Reorganize something - Hmmm...a closet? A drawer?? A desk, maybe?!? The possibilities are endless around here!!!
  7. Play a board game - Will someone play a board game with me, please? Umm...that would be a NO!
  8. Bake a Cake - In the Latin words of Virgil, "Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae", which translated means, "I recognize the vestiges of an old flame."
  9. Eat - Oh, I've got my radar on trying to make sure we have none of that! Well, to excess anyway.
  10. Rearrange the furniture - I'm well known for this one, but I'm not in the mood.
  11. Surf the web - Yep, I'll probably do lots of that!
  12. Shop online - Uh huh! I'll probably do some of that!!
  13. Watch YouTube videos - Maybe!
  14. Work on voicing over my story - Yep!! That's something to do!! (Be sure to see more about voiceovers below.)
  15. TAKE A NAP!! - Need I say more?
Okay, 5 minutes are up! So, I can come up with 15 things do to on a GLOOMY day in 5 minutes. That seems like too short of a list to me!! I'll have to work on that...which means of course, you'll be seeing future time trials. I know you just can't wait for that!! 

In the list I mentioned voiceovers and speaking of that, I found this video on YouTube of British voiceovers of animals. Giggly stuff! Watch and laugh...Be sure to watch to the end, it really is funny!
Okay, so I've had fun today. This blog has been written throughout the entire day; a little here, a little there. The laundry is washed, folded and put away and I've enjoyed watching (more listening to than watching, really) some old movies. Now it's time to start getting ready for bed. There are a few things to do to get ready for sleep and I promised I'd go to bed at 8:30pm to get up well rested at 4:30am. So, until tomorrow when it will be another lovely day in the neighborhood, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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