Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Days 256 - 272

Do you remember back in the 1990's a TV show on PBS called "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Well, then you may be old and then again you just may be asking that about Nancy -- "Where have you been, Nancy?" (The video linked below is to a piece I found on YouTube of Rockapella doing the theme song for the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" show. I love that the video creator shows still shots of all the places and things mentioned in the song. Fun to watch!!) It's been over 15 days since I've recorded life in the blog. Honestly, I'm just all over the place. I'm supposed to be changing my life and becoming healthier and quite frankly, I am not. "Why not?" I hear you asking...don't look at me, I'm standing here with my shoulders up, head tilted to one side and eyebrows elevated with that dumb, "You're asking me?" look on my face. Really...I don't know. I am a person who is never happy with status quo. I'm always changing something (which is a source of contention with my husband who likes everything to be the same...also known as 'good' so when I change something this is frequently known as 'bad'). It's okay if something is really working out for me, but rarely do I look at a situation, space, habit or process and not think, "I wonder if this is the best way to do this?" I drive people crazy, I know that I do, but I cannot help it.

Over the last 15 days I've been trying to re-motivate myself into eating correctly, getting exercise and just feeling good. I've not been successful, but this is all down to me. I'm not successful because I'm the problem. However, I'm also the optimist so I know I'll resolve my issues and emerge victorious or I'll just die and thats the end to it. Let's hope that I can, indeed, get it right before one of us here dies!

I just wanted to catch up and share the link to the theme song. Enjoy Rockapella and remember where you were from 1991 through 1995 when the show was running on PBS. I was in my 30s back then and had no kids, but I still watched the show when I had the chance. I'll write about my issues and how I'm resolving them, soon. Thanks for checking in on me!! So, until the next time when I'm likely to write something useless and on the cusp of being silly, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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