Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

This recipe is so easy it's almost silly to write a recipe, but here is what I do...


1T Olive Oil
1 Clove crushed Garlic
1 28 oz. Can Crushed Tomatoes (Cento* is the only brand of tomato products I use)
28 oz. of water (I just use the can)
Basil (fresh or dry) to taste
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Sugar to taste
1/2 cup Cream


Add the oil to a medium sauce pan and add the garlic. Cook for just a few seconds and make sure it doesn't burn. Pour in the tomatoes and water and stir to mix. Cover and allow this to come to a fast simmer. Remove the lid and taste the mixture. Now, add the basil, salt, pepper and sugar. Stir and taste again. Allow the mixture to simmer uncovered for a few minutes. Remove the soup from the heat and stir in the cream. Bring the mixture just to a simmer again to make sure everything is hot and  the soup is ready!
This can be modified and other things can be added.
  • Add a can of diced tomatoes for a chunky version of the soup
  • Toss in some tiny alphabet pasta for Tomato Alphabet soup
  • Likewise, toss in some rice for Tomato Rice soup
  • Throw in your favorite mix of veggies diced small for Tomato Vegetable soup
See! The possibilities are endless! This recipe will serve 3 people plus enough for one persons lunch the next day. I made this soup for about $2.67! The Cento* Crushed Tomatoes are not from concentrate and the only ingredient in the can is Fresh Ripe Red Tomatoes! Cento is the best brand of tomato products available in my area. I love them! I hope you can check out their brand in your local market. 

*Cento does not pay me in any way to say these things about their products. I am simply a loyal customer who believes the Cento brand = quality!

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