Thursday, September 4, 2014


Everyone wants happiness. I don't deserve it, but I want it. In general, I am an even sort of person; mostly still waters. No one makes me that way, I choose to be so. It is a daily decision to look at what I can do, instead of what I can't; to be glad for what I have instead of what I don't. It's a muscle that I have to work and flex constantly in order to have the habit of happiness. This is why you haven't seen a blog post from me for awhile. I've been struggling with my personal happiness.

I am a person of faith. There is noting more important to me than my faith in Jesus Christ and my purpose for being a human being on earth today. However, like all humans, I make mistakes. Sometimes I'm able to see my error right away and make corrections and my life moves on very smoothly. Other times, I pretend not to see that what I'm doing or thinking is wrong and eventually, God will stop listening to me and answering my prayers. Why? Because God can't be around wrong (read: sin). Wrong is like a glove over my body that completely blocks me from God's view; it is what stands between me and God and obscures me from his view. Oh, yes, He knows I'm here, but because I'm in the wrong, He can't be near me. Well, I've been wrong. I've been wrong about several things (no, you don't get the privilege of knowing what those things are) and all that wrong has been keeping me from the fellowship of God. Now, maybe this means nothing to you, but to me it is everything. Yes, I always have the love of family and friends, but God can only forgive my wrongness if I own up to it, walk away from it and seek his forgiveness. The owning up and walking away part is all me and I had to do that this week. Suffice it to say, the process was not pleasant, but God is good and I know I am forgiven and I did learn some things.
Miniature roses from the garden
just because...

So, enough of my problems. I hope you have the grace of God working in your life. People who love you are great, but if I have to choose, I want the grace of God. Life after this time on earth is eternal and I am more concerned about that life than this one. What I do now prepares me for the next life.

That's it for today. We'll call the last few weeks a working vacation where I had to visit camp Get It Right and I came home with a couple of skinned knees, but no broken bones. I hope you're having a great end to summer where you are and that you are learning great things about yourself, too. Until next time, when I'll share more from the land of the very humbled HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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