Friday, May 23, 2014

Days 316 and 317

Change is a good thing! I'm particularly open to change because in my humble opinion, change is a time where the playing field is somewhat level. When you make a change everyone is starting over in the new modified world and no one (or perhaps few people) have the advantage. At least, that's how I like to think of change. Today, I made some more changes to the blog and I hope they are pleasing!

As I move through life and start a new year (indeed, a birthday means a new year) for myself, I wanted to clarify a bit more of what my blog is about. It's just real easy...LIFE. That's it! I am a person with many passions. Just like everyone else, I'm just trying to live in this world and enjoy my time as much as possible. There are lots of things I'd like to be able to do, but honestly, at this age I'm certain many will not happen. This blog helps to remind me that I'm living a unique existence with a wonderful story that no one else can tell. And oh, by the way, I'm reading your blogs to see what you're all about, too!

Yes, my blog will still focus on my work to reinvent myself as a thinner, healthier person, but it will also include more of my passions:

  • God
  • Photography
  • Tea
  • Videography
  • Writing
  • Cooking
  • Makeup
  • Music
  • Oh, and lest we forget...list making...ah-hem!!
Mostly I'll continue to blog about my life in Central Texas and what it's like to be The HumbleVoyager. I'm not an expert at much of anything except when it comes to me. I know all the good, bad and ugly about the subject of Nancy.

The look of the blog is likely to change frequently as I learn more about photography and editing. The images that you see on this blog are all mine and so, if you don't like them, that's okay! They aren't yours, anyway!! (Read: I'm not trying to impress...anyone.)

Okay, so that's it for today. Be sure to check up on the Food Diary and Exercise Log pages and see what I'm eating and such. I can guarantee you I'm drinking strong iced tea and enjoying life! I hope you'll be back tomorrow when I'm likely to write just about anything! Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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