Food Diary

What is Nancy eating?

I'll chart what I'm eating here and highlight every day that I'm at or below my daily goal!

Click here to see the new plan, since I clearly STINK at charting what I eat.

Friday, May 23, 2014:
  • Breakfast (@ 9am): Nancy's Meat and Veggie Scrambled Hash and tea = 430 calories
  • Lunch (@ 2pm): Hummus with Chips and a Cheese Sandwich = 400 calories
  • Snack (@5pm):  Lemon Buttermilk Pound Cake = 400 calories (Birthday cake remains!)
  • Supper (@8pm): Lein Cuisine Turkey and Vegetables = 180 caloires
  • Total:  1,410 calories

Thursday, May 22, 2014:
  • Breakfast (@9am): Cheese toast and Tea = 295 calories
  • Lunch (@ 1pm): Ham and Cheese toasted sandwich w/chips = 425 calories
  • Snack (@ 3pm): 8 oz. low-fat Buttermilk = 98 calories
  • Supper (@ 7:30pm): Khoresh-e Bamieh (Okra Stew) w/bread = 420 calories
  • Total:  1,238 calories

Wednesday, May 21, 2014:

It's my Birthday!  I'm not counting today...Is that Lemon Buttermilk Cake from UpperCrust Bakery I hear calling my name???

Tuesday, May 20, 2014:
  • Breakfast (@9am):  Oatmeal w/raisins, walnuts and brown sugar = 445 calories
  • Lunch (@1pm): Ham and Cheese toasted sandwich w/ Sweet Potato PopChips = 350 calories
  • Snack (@3pm): 8 oz. low-fat Buttermilk = 98 calories
  • Supper (@6:30pm): Stovetop Meatloaf w/Mashed Potatoes and Peas = 632 calories
  • Total = 1,525 calories (over, but not by much and I sure did enjoy the day!)
Monday, May 19, 2014:
  • Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich and Tea = 488 calories
  • Snack:  Slice of Havarti Cheese and 1 small dill pickle = 85 calories
  • Lunch:  Night Hawk Salisbury Steak and Starbucks Moca Latte = 430 calories
  • Snack:  1/2 oz. Almonds = 95 calories
  • Supper:  Cucumber, Tomato and Onion salad topped with Tuna Fish = 218 calories
  • Snack:  Buttermilk = 100 calories
  • Total = 1,416 calories

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