Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 105

It's Friday, Friday, FRIDAY!!! I think this was a fantastic week, but I'm certainly glad that it's time for a weekend. There is lots to do before flight time on Monday, but I've already been at work getting ready. Since my travels will take me to a cooler location, I needed a new sweater and I scored BIG with a new black cardigan from JC Penney that is perfect. Not only that, but it was on sale for 45% off and I got an extra 15% off at the register! Can't beat that!! I'm feeling lots better and I know I won't be too cool now. I don't mind a little cool weather, but since I've traveled in the north east many times, I know how bone-chillingly cool it can become. Also, the last time I was up in New England in cooler weather, a well-meaning waiter at a restaurant who helped me off with my jacket at dinner one night, shouts as he lifts my jacket off my shoulders, "Are you warm enough in this?" Please! I think I can dress myself. I'm good with layers and with this new sweater and a stylish scarf, I'll look and feel great! The only thing I need now is some hosiery. I'll be off shopping for that it has to be done. I checked out my drawer and since I don't wear hosiery much in Texas (too hot for it!) I don't have anything that will work with my skirts. Wish me luck (don't believe in it, but okay, wish it anyway) as I try to get what I want tomorrow.

I've been working on my packing list and my travel attire. Although I don't really like traveling in athletic shoes, they are really bulky and won't be available to me on the trip if I don't wear them. So, there is a distinct possibility that I will not have my most comfortable shoes along for this trip...I don't know yet. The real problem is the fact that you have to take your shoes off at the airport. Rats! I hate doing that!! I have decided that I want to wear mostly skirts on this trip (except when flying...that is definitely pants activity). I think it will be more acceptable at headquarters. Here in Texas, I can wear whatever I want to the office as long as I'm covered and have on undergarments. Not so at headquarters. No sneakers for sure, says my boss. So, I'm trying to make myself fit in well. That's really all I want; to blend in and just be that sweet lady from Texas that everyone wants to work with! (When I dream, I dream BIG! **smile**).

By the way, I had NO idea that JC Penney had so many nice things! I was a little overwhelmed by the selection and the prices were terrific. There were a few things that just looked cheap and nasty, but for the most part, I was happy with what I saw. The problem is, I HATE SHOPPING! I even had my sister on the phone with me the WHOLE time, just to keep me from running from the store with nothing to show for my effort. Thank HEAVEN ABOVE for Bluetooth headsets that let you talk without having to hold the dang phone to your ear the whole time! Isn't she sweet to stay on the phone with me and talk me down off the celling when I get all stressed out? She is a big time shopper, people! If anyone can find what you're looking for in a store, It's Gena Ann! I'd hire her in a heartbeat to do ALL my shopping if she were just here to do it for me!! I'd gladly pay her big bucks just so I'd never have to see the inside of another store, but then I'd miss all that time with her. She loves to shop and I just LOVE Gena Ann!! So, shopping is where we go.  I'm getting better! I actually bought a cute top to wear under the sweater and with the black pencil skirt I picked up at Walmart (who knew!?!) and a beautiful scarf to keep me warm. Had I not had Gena on the phone we may not have even had the sweater and I REALLY needed that. Thanks, sweetie Gena!!

I haven't been such a good girl today in the eating department. I ate bread today, which is really not good for me and I had a small portion of potato chips. My husband brought home a huge (Sam's Club size) bag of Lay's Cheesy Garlic Bread potato chips. OH...MY...WORD!?! Are you kidding me? I couldn't help myself. And you know what they say about Lay's potato chips? "You can't eat just one!" Well, they are right...I couldn't and I didn't, but I did keep it to the equivalent of a half portion. They were good. I don't know why I'm so hungry, but for my Saturday and Sunday meals, I am going to have MyFitFood meals w/out bread! I cannot eat bread anymore. Bread ADORES my waist and just makes me swell up like a cantaloupe! No, no, NO!! I will not have this. I think I may have lost a little ground over the last couple of days. Although it will be hard eating in restaurants over the next couple of weeks, it does pose one advantage; I won't have food sitting in a kitchen with easy access all the time.

No pictures for you today, but I would like to share another exercise video. YouTube has great options to keep your exercise program interesting. I love YouTube for lots of reason and make my own videos to post over there! Anyway, here is the exercise video I'll be doing from my hotel room each day while on the road. I hope you enjoy it!
Remember to make sure your physician is okay with getting exercise like this and then just follow along and do what you can. Have fun with it! Since life is a one-shot deal, you should always have fun. Anyway, that's it for me today. Until tomorrow when you'll probably hear about my new manicure or some other nonsense, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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