Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 106

We are creeping ever closer to day 121 when I will need to put on the next set of clothing in a smaller size, take photos and go out in the outfit. Will I be successful? Will I fall and skin my knees and have to get up, brush myself off and keep going?? Will the fat finally decided that this house is not comfortable enough and take up residence elsewhere??? Well, who knows but the work continues over here and I know that I'm doing okay. Even with the occasional hiccup, I'm still in a much better place physically and mentally than I was 106 days ago. Heck! I've said it before, I'm not a machine!!

I've done errand after errand today trying to get myself ready for travel on Monday. Next is laundry and I'll do it tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. That way I can easily pack tomorrow. I also need to visit the bank and get some cash. You can't take a trip without tip money in hand! So, still more to do today. I have a couple of apps that I use on my smart phones to help keep me organized. Yes, I said phones, as in more than one. I have to carry and iPhone for work and I have an LG L9 as my personal phone. As you know, I love Apple products and I do love the iPhone, but I really like the Android. On the iPhone the list app I use is Clear. That app is not made for the Android, so on that phone I use an app called Koalcat's Clear. Both are great apps for making lists of any kind. Today, they are 'to do' lists.

Although I'm looking forward to me business trip and meetings with my new team, I can't help but look forward even more to the trip with my sister, which is coming up week after next. In fact, I believe I'm on day 121 the Sunday I come back home from the Las Vegas trip. Oh, Lord! I hope I am able to keep it all together while I'm gone. I really want to be successful. The spirit is mighty, but the flesh is weak...sometimes.

I invested some time in my nails and completed my manicure. I'm calling these nails, 'Rosie The Sparkler.' Here is what they look like:
I thought I wanted high contrast black and white nails for the week, but then I thought about this pretty English Rose nail 'foil' that I had and decided on this design. I'm bad about knocking rhinestones out of nail designs, so I'm probably going to regret this design about Wednesday of next week, but you can't live life in fear, so here we go! I think the nails are pretty and will serve me well next week.

I'm currently working on my Vegas nail design. Those nails will be black, white and red with silver accents and will have some references to cards, dice, hearts, spades, clubs and diamonds. I haven't decided exactly what they will look like, but I'll share pictures when I do. The nails above were really easy to do. I want the Vegas nails to be just as easy. We'll see what I come up with!

I've had a full day and it's time to get some rest. Until tomorrow when you'll learn about another fun filled day here in Nancyland, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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