Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 91

This was a much better day for me. Yesterday was wrong, just...wrong. I felt unwell and achey and...well...just wrong. Today was a whole different story. Why? Because I got some rest. I really think that I've been cutting it too close in the area of sleep and it finally just bit me in my a**. I have a self imposed schedule and when I explained it to my sister her reaction was, "What? Why???" Although I know you're going to say the same thing, I'll explain.  I don't have a long commute to work Monday through Friday, but what there is of it can be very stressful. If you ever check out my YouTube channel, you'll find 5 videos of my commute home following 5 different paths. I made those videos because traffic makes me nuts. It seems like I'm  completely surrounded by selfish, hateful drivers who can't seem to understand that driving is not and I repeat NOT a full-contact sport!! I LOVE driving. No, I didn't say I "liked" it, I said LOVE IT and there are times when driving to work makes me want to stop driving! To avoid driving these feelings, I have to leave my home for the office by 6:30am. This is so I can be in my office by 7am and be able to leave by 4pm. The 4pm drive home is also better. Just 15 minutes later at either end will be bad. In order to leave the house by 6:30am, I need to be up getting ready by 4:30am. Yes, that's right, I need 2 hours to get ready for work. So, in order to get enough rest/sleep I need to be in bed by 8:30pm during the weekdays. So, go ahead, ask me how many times I've been to bed by 8:30pm. The answer to your question is, "None!" I'm usually in bed by 10:30pm and that 2 hours simply caught up with me yesterday. It literally made me sick. I'm kind of ashamed, but it cost me a vacation day to just get the rest I needed to feel better. Go ahead, you can say it, "Stupid girl!" Yes, I'm humbled. I talked it over with my sister and the answer is easy. I like the schedule, so I have to get to bed on time starting Sunday night!

This means that I'll be starting the writing of my blog each day now during my lunch hour at work. I usually eat lunch at my desk working, but that's time I'm giving my company that they don't really ask for. Since I like to be busy, the blog will help me accomplish that and free up evening time so I can get to bed earlier. Also, since the days are getting shorter, it should be easy for me to get to bed by 8:30 since it won't feel like it's too early. I've set an alarm on my laptop to help keep me on schedule and I know everything will be okay.

So, enough with my schedule woes! The day was great and I was able to visit my FAVORITE grocery store on earth, Central Market on North Lamar in Austin. It's about 30 minute drive from my house, so this isn't a place I shop often, but honestly it is a palace to the best foods on earth. I had a great time and really just enjoyed setting up the food for this week. They have a HUGE selection of chef prepared foods and I was able to put together 11 meals for less than $4 per meal! My husband and I had some for supper tonight and it was delicious. I also repainted my nails again. The last set lasted about like the set before them did; about 2 seconds. So here are my 'stand in' nails (which just means I'll wear them until they chip):
I've got to do something about the lighting in here! The pink on these nails is a Sinful Color called "24/7" and is the most neon pink you've ever seen, but in this see what lighting can do for or to you! Good thing I like paining my nails. So I'll call this simple design: "Pink On The Dot!"

Today I had a normal breakfast, lunch was a Lean Cuisine and supper was the chef prepared meal from Central Market. I was hungry all day today, so I'm still not quite sure what's causing that. I just need to keep working at my problem: Portions! That's where my focus is and that's where it has to stay.

Tomorrow will be a day to sleep in for once since the groceries are all done! Then I'll probably do some other shopping that I need to get out of the way. I wish my sister Gena was here to go with me hold my hand. I'm not a very good shopper, but this has got to be done before I travel soon. I'll be fine, but if you're in Austin, Texas this weekend and you see a woman bolt from a store with that "I'm totally overwhelmed" look on her face, you may have just witnessed my escape! Yes, I've actually done that before. So, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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