Lemon Turkey

I used to buy meals from My Fit Foods and I really loved them, but I just couldn't afford to do that long-term. Yes, it was nice not to cook and to have healthy meals available, but there were issues:

  1. Cost - each of the meals averaged about $7. Personally, I can make some hearty meals for way less than that.
  2. Freshness - sometimes the meals were not fresh. Even those not close to their sell-by dates were not always eatable.
  3. Variety - I didn't like everything they offered and my favorites were not always available.
  4. Unknown - although there are ingredients listed, I still felt uneasy about what might be in the food that was unknown to me. (I know...I'm strange like that.)
  5. Spice - My Fit Foods makes everything VERY spicy. They say it's better for you, but I can't stomach the heat!
So, I decided to replicate some of my favorite My Fit Foods dishes in my blog. Mind you, I don't know the recipe for this. I'm just guessing that this is how you make the Lemon Turkey from My Fit Foods. My recipe makes 6 hearty servings. Enjoy!!


A Left-Over Serving Packed for Lunch!
40 oz. (2 packages) Jenny-O Lean (7% fat) ground turkey
1 Tablespoon Chili Garlic Sauce (Huy Fong Foods, Inc.)
2 Lemons (about 1/2 cup of juice...lime juice will also work)
Salt and Lemon Pepper, to taste
Cooked Rice (in whatever quantity you prefer)
1 lb. Steamed Asparagus


Brown the ground turkey in a large skillet. When all the pink is gone, add salt, lemon pepper, chili garlic sauce and the juice of 2 lemons. Stir and cover and set to simmer while you cook your rice and steam your asparagus.  About 5 minutes before the asparagus  and rice are ready, remove the lid from the turkey and allow any liquid to cook off. Spoon rice in the bottom of your bowl, top with lemon turkey and steamed asparagus. Serve with lemon wedges! That's it!! Real simple and really good.

My current calculations for 6 servings of this is about $2.11USD (as of 6/2014) per serving, which is budget friendly in my book! I haven't calculated the calories, but the less rice you have with it, the better it will be.

There are other ways to use Lemon Turkey:
  • Remove the rice and serve the Lemon Turkey in lettuce for a great lettuce wrap.
  • Don't like asparagus? Okay, have whatever vegetable you do like, instead!
  • Use corn tortillas and make Lemon Turkey tacos, adding in your favorite toppings.
  • Leave off the rice, mix in some béchamel sauce and toss in some cooked pasta.
  • Use the Lemon Turkey mixture to make a great topping for sauce-less French Bread Pizza!!
Look for ground turkey on special and keep it in your freezer. Bottled lemon juice is fine in this and also, the granulated lemon works well; I always keep that around. The Chili Garlic Sauce is just delicious on everything, but go easy. It's really spicy! I hope you enjoy making this. My version at $2.11USD per serving is way better than My Fit Foods at $7. Enjoy!!

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