Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Days 135, 136 and 137

Day skippage appears to be inevitable. No, I haven't been 'too busy' but I have been giving myself a bit of a break from writing. I just haven't been feeling well. I think it must be due to the weather. Since any excuse will do that should satisfy.

For the last couple of days I've been working at what I do and trying to just take it easy in the evenings. Last night, I struggled with sleeping and learned something important about myself. It seems that sometimes when I can't sleep and find myself tossing and turning, I calm quickly and fall asleep if I get up and put myself into a place where I feel snuggly surrounded, almost like in a cocoon. Luckily for me, there is a small wing back recliner that sits in my bedroom next to my bed and when I sit back in that lovely chair I immediately feel like I'm being held. I don't think I'm explaining this well, but the bottom line is sometimes I just need to be in a position that prevents me from moving very much in order for me to relax and fall asleep.
This is the chair and my sweet little bedroom!
Weird, maybe. But I was able to fall asleep and stayed asleep in that chair about 2 hours. Then returned to the bed and slept the rest of the night. I hope I've sufficiently tired myself out so that I don't toss and turn tonight.

In years past I would at this point in the days before Thanksgiving, have been cleaning the house like mad and chopping every kind of root vegetable imaginable. Not so this time! We will visit family who are taking on the chore of hosting Thanksgiving this year. I'm so excited not to be cooking and cleaning. I love to cook, but I really love to
The ghost of Thanksgiving past!
cook for just my family. Cooking is hard work and I want everyone to have their favorites, so you can just imagine how many dishes I end up preparing when we have 12 to Thanksgiving dinner! It's lovely to see everyone happy with what I make, but I'm honestly glad to allow someone else get the praise this year. As a confirmed 'Old Dog' I have learned a few new tricks and this weeks new trick is sit back and let someone else go crazy over Thanksgiving!

Days are passing quickly and I still don't have myself back on track in the area of food or exercise. I have to be honest, I don't know the answer. All I know is that I'm positive that there is a solution and
that I just need to figure it out. Don't worry, I'm not tempted to do anything rash. I've crazy things to lose weight in the past and I can tell you that the side effects are not pleasant. Therefore, I'll not take drastic action ever again. Although I'm probably going to find that the solution is easy, apparently I'm so blind that I can't see the resolution beacon anywhere on the horizon. What is it people say about it being darkest before the dawn? Does that mean I'm going to slap the side of my head with a solution any day now? GOD! I hope so!!

Now it's time for me to take myself off and start to get myself ready for bed. Thanks for dropping by and checking out the craziness that is my life. Until tomorrow (and I promise I'll write tomorrow) when I know things will be more interesting, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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