Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 123

I've been thinking and no, it didn't hurt...about what it is that actually makes up a great day. So, I have to ask the question:  What really makes a day great? I suppose that is for each individual to decide. Personally, I don't like to limit myself. Fundamentally what I believe is that thinking is what is at the bottom of greatness. A thing is great because I think that it is. Today was a truly GREAT day for me because I thought that it was! So uncomplicated, yet intricate in its simplicity.

Here is a little glimpse into a great day for me:
  1. I slept 8 hours the night before.
  2. I did not rush my morning routine, but rather enjoyed the process of getting ready and out the door.
  3. I ate a light breakfast at work (as I prefer to have breakfast later in the morning).
  4. Cleared away the email log jam caused by my vacation last week.
  5. Completed all my meetings.
  6. Had lovely conversation with people; solved problems and laughed a little.
  7. Got home at a reasonable hour.
  8. Had supper with my family.
  9. Communicated with my son about his school work and imparted a bit of wisdom about reading.
  10. Had time for myself to do a little of whatever I liked.
To me, this made the day great. The traffic didn't bother me. My work didn't frustrate me. People didn't crush me with their words or actions. I had a really, SINGULAR day!

All this may seem funny to you, but I find it important to consider greatness and make sure that I feel it all around me. Ultimately, I believe I'm the one responsible for my experience. If I want mediocre days, all I really have to do is be a uninspired thinker. I do not choose that it should be so! Greatness isn't about looking a certain way, but rather about feeling a specific way: GREAT!

I've written all this to hopefully help my readers see that they can open the doors of greatness and make a truly fantastic life, by simply thinking about what they experience as exceptional. No one else will have the same experiences that I have. I am a unique collection of experiences that are special only to me. To me, that makes my life GREAT! Even the bad stuff that happens has its place in my life and my whole life is a collection of tiny experiences. How can a bad experience be great? It isn't the thing that happened that's great its what I chose to think about it and how I selected to react. That is where the greatness comes into play. Did I want to have cancer? No, I didn't, but had it I did and how I chose to respond and think about cancer has added to my life. I'm different than I was before cancer and I'm sure there will be other things that happen in my life that will test my ability to find greatness. It's almost like a game for me now...looking for the great parts of life and lifting them up as high as I can; illuminating them in my thinking so that they WAY outshine any mediocre parts of life.

Okay, crazy lady, you can stop now. Everyone knows that you want them to change their thinking so that they have great lives. Here's hoping everyone who reads this will think they are great and have exactly the life they want. I'm routing for you! Now it's time for me to slow down for the evening and stop thinking so much. Until tomorrow, when I will likely make you think about something when you really wanted to watch TV, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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