Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 113

Home, sweet home! I made it back right on time last night (actually, about 15 minutes early, Thank You, Delta!) to the bosom of my family. Overall, the trip was great and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet with my new team. We are really going to be a great bunch of Grips! (Team name; we're The Grips.)

On the way home from Connecticut, I taped a short video of a bit of the drive to JFK airport in New York and a little of the conversation I had with the great shuttle driver. By the way, I've experienced lots of drivers in lots of vehicles over the years and this gentleman was the best! He had spirit, personality and was a dang good driver to boot! He made the trip great!!! Here is a little taste of the trip/conversation:
Now, it's time to get ready for the next trip. I leave for on Monday afternoon around 3pm. This next trip differs greatly from the last, as this one is leisure travel with the greatest sister on earth, Gena Ann.

So, to get ready for the next trip I needed to get some rest and I've done that today. I slept in, enjoyed replenishing the supplies for the boys at a leisurely pace and have spent the evening watching videos and painting my nails. You didn't honestly believe that I would go to Las Vegas with plain old nails, did you?? I hope not!! Parish the thought!!! Here is the design I've dubbed: "Kiss Me, I'm Hot! In Vegas" nails:
These nails were so fun to do! I used OPI Red for the background. Then using NYC Black Lace Cream, I painted a leopard print on the thumb and ring finger and kissy lips in the outer corner on the pointer, middle and pinky fingers. Lastly, I topped the nails with Northern Lights Micro-fine Holographic Glitter Top Coat, by OutTheDoor. These nails are great! The red is WAY more vibrant in real life, but the pictures are close. My only nail art tool for this design was a long, sharp, wooden cocktail toothpick. Give me some nail polish and a toothpick and I could paint the world!! On nails, anyway!! *smile*

I'm having a good time over here getting ready for the next trip. Unfortunately, I ate WAY too much today. I don't know if it's a product of being so busy or what, but I found myself just eating without thought, yet again! I really don't understand myself sometimes, but at least I caught myself doing it and brought myself under control. Now, it's just a matter of getting me back on track. Just for the record, I'm not in a hurry. I want to enjoy my time off, but I just don't want to OVER eat while away. The key will be to make sure I'm having foods I really want. That way I'll be satisfied with less of it. I hope to be so busy that I just forget that I'm hungry! Yeah, Nancy...and when exactly has that happened before???

Well, I had wanted to finish this before midnight, but I've gone past that time. That means I need to get to bed and sleep. So, until tomorrow when you'll hear all about my packing...again, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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