Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 80

Good-bye day 80! It is a sad bye-bye here. I had a great day. Beautiful weather, for one. Maybe it could have been a little cooler, but I thought it was great. I love my work, blue sky, friends and family...not necessarily in that order! I had it all today. I'm confident I'll get it again tomorrow.

I was in a position today to have a 'fast-food' lunch and was a little apprehensive about it. I left the choice up to a coworker and they chose Chick-fil-A. Okay, my immediate thought was, "Okay, I guess I'm having a Diet Coke for lunch." When we arrived in the drive-thru (we were having a picnic) I noticed that #1, they had the calories on the menu AND they have a chicken wrap sandwich that is 330 calories! No need to look any further, I ordered that without any sauce added. Let me just say that it was actually very good. It was big enough that I was satisfied after half, so I kept half for my afternoon snack. Now that is progress on my part. I was happy! The calories on the menu made it really easy for me and that is exactly what I needed at the moment. Thank you, Chick-fil-A! When you go to Chick-fil-A next time, try the Grilled Chicken Cool Wrap. The only thing I'll change next time is I'll ask them to leave the cheese off.  It didn't need that. Otherwise, a great choice!

Exercise today will be the treadmill again. I'll do that at about 8:30pm. Otherwise it's just your normal Monday with the twist that things are a-happ-nin! Since you're reading my blog, you know that I write on a daily basis (or as close as possible) but what you may not know is that I have been wanting to write a book for a long time. I have a story that I am passionate about and I've decided that I'm going to publish the story one chapter at a time on this website! I'm very excited!!! Besides writing the story I'm going to offer audio downloads of the book read by the author, me!! I'm also trying to get my son to do some illustrations for the story and maybe even some animations! This is a project that will ultimately involve the whole family because my husband fancies himself an excellent audiobook critic. I do voiceovers for my company and he is my best critic. So, the way this will happen is you'll see a tab at the top of the home page of the blog labeled "Serial Stories" or something like that. I'll post the chapters there as I have them written. The audio versions will come after the written version has been up for awhile. I want to really live my dreams and this is just another way to make it happen. I dream of writing, so I write. The internet gives me the ability to get my content out to you, the readers. I love doing voiceovers, so I'll do them of my own content as well as for my company when they want me! I love all of the art my family creates and I want to get us all out here, living our dreams!! Go, do, make life happen for yourself on purpose. Only you stop you from living your dreams! So, cut it out and go DO IT, whatever IT is!

Wow! I really sounded like a mom there. So, I should, I am one. Just call me mom if that helps, but really unless your dreams are to do bodily harm to yourself or someone else (please, don't do that) go and make your dreams happen. I bet if you let yourself think about it, you'll find a new way of getting what you want, done. Take me for example, I thought the only way to be a writer was to publish in traditional ways, but I was wrong! There are thousands of ways to make this happen. All I had to do is open my mind to the possibilities and here we go!! I just hope you'll enjoy my first story. If you don't, that's okay! There will be other stories that you'll love!

So, I want to do a little editing on the story tonight before I walk. That means it's time for me to get going. Have a lovely evening and remember your dreams are great and I know you can have whatever you want. Go make it happen! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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