Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 77

Have you ever felt like there is a hole in your life? You have a great job with a great company or maybe you've even built a successful business. You're married, have kids, you have a home and the possessions that you desire and yet, something is missing. It is probably a common thing and Marie Forleo of made a video about this very subject, where she provides help to all of us for getting past this feeling and I want to share it with you. Marie actually made this video about 6 months ago and I missed it...don't know how I missed it, but I did. This is some GREAT insight and advice about this little anomaly that happens to a good number of us.  Watch and learn...
Isn't she great!?! Cute as a button and quotes John Wayne, too!! I really love her videos, website and email updates. Please consider going to her website and signing up for her email updates. She shares lots of great stuff and she reminds you always that the world needs that special something only you bring to the planet and she's right. Where would we be without you?

So, it's Friday night and I'm sitting here listening to K.C. and the Sunshine Band sing about shaking my booty. It makes me think back on a time when that's exactly what I did on a Friday night. For a very short time in about 1978, I thought it was fun to go to the disco and shake my booty. The fun ended rather abruptly and I abandoned the idea of becoming a disco queen. Instead I did what most 19 year-old people did back in the day who did not go to college, I worked. I'm still doing that, but today it's different. I know more and am enjoying my work.

This Friday was quiet at work and I kept myself busy solving problems and building relationships. I think I did a good job of it today and am ready for the weekend. I would like to do something tonight, but I don't know what. Movie, like last week? My family hates to eat out, so no dinner out. Shopping?? No, I don't like shopping like my sister does. I only do that when I have to or if she's here. Then it becomes FUN! I guess I'll just read, walk on the treadmill and look at some writing projects I have going on. It's all good! Don't know what I'm having for dinner, but it will be light. I drank a glass of milk a little while ago and it really filled me up. See, I still have the problem where I think I can consume more than I really can! Will this madness ever end?

Well, I want everyone to listen to Marie, so I'll make this the end until Day 78. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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