Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 357

This was a really quiet, productive day! I love my work and it loves me back. It's amazing what God lets me experience and sometimes everything works and I get a moment where I believe I really am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. It isn't often, mind you, but I felt that way today. I'm thankful for that.

I am continuing the work on my plan for the upcoming grocery challenge. Part of my preparations are about figuring out how I can not only feed myself for a week on $27 USD, but also work it so I honestly enjoy what I'm eating! That may be asking a lot, but I'm always up for a challenge! **smile**

As I've worked on this plan there are several side effects that I'm hoping to experience. For instance, I do believe I will be eating less food during the next week, which is good since I know I eat too much volume now. Next, I believe this experience will help me with my work to put food in the correct place in my life. In my humble opinion, I place to much personal value on food, which has nothing to do with what I'm actually spending. Finally, I'm tired of investing more than $10,000 USD per year in groceries! This madness just has to stop. When I look closely at where I spend our money, it is very clear very quickly what I value. Honestly, I didn't think I valued food that much, but I do. And, this is just groceries and does not count eating out!!!!!

I'm savoring photos of recent meals below. Were these meals good? Yes, but not fantastic. Were they worth the high cost (these were restaurant meals)? No, I really don't think so. I'm hoping I'll find my meals made with $27 next week to be even better on so many other levels besides just taste!
Meals from a recent trip to the north east!
We are almost to the final day of this 365 day series; just 8 more days to go. The next series will not be labeled by day numbers, but it will again be a 365 day work-in-progress. Thanks for checking in on me. We're busy thinking through the challenges ahead and really that keeps me out of the refrigerator. Now, if I could just figure out how to make myself start exercising again like I should...hmm. Until tomorrow, when I'll likely talk more about the life of a HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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