Saturday, July 26, 2014


Good morning! I'm feeling much better today and working on new things. There are always great projects in the works, but I'm not always ready to work on them. This year, I'm thinking of myself and what I want to do, instead of what I should do. Yes, I still want to lose weight. I think it's important to get myself fit, but that's for another blog (read my other blog on this subject, link in the right hand sidebar). In this blog, I want to share what I'm doing elsewhere in life. This week, I begin the process of creating this year's Halloween costume! Okay, so now you're wondering about how important this could possibly be. Since I'm starting on it 3 full months in advance, I guess it's fairly important. A project like this takes lots of organization and design. Therefore, this venture incorporates two of my best skills: creativity and planning! I believe I'm creative and inventive. When it comes to planning, that brings my love of words and design together. I dream things up and then just apply words to the dream. So, my creative and project planning enterprise for the next few months is my Halloween costume. In the past, my office has been very elaborate with its Halloween celebrations. I've won the costume contest multiple times. Here are a few of the entries over recent years:
In recent years I've been Madame Butterfly, A really scary ghost (Boo!! You are VERY Afraid!), A Dark Fairy Queen and The Andromeda Galaxy (for which I dyed my hair, for REAL, BLACK!). The blue hair in the Madame Butterfly costume and white of the ghost were temporary, but not so with the Andromeda Galaxy costume. I really, dyed my hair black. It took more than 3 years to fade and grow out. I looked hideous for those three years! It was supposed to be the kind of dye that washes out in 21 washes. Not so!! My hair is fairly light and it just sucked up the black and so I had to endure, for the sake of Halloween, the growing out process. Never, again! The Dark Fairy Queen was my last costume. It took hours of work to make the tutu! I had wings, a tiara and a wand. I was HOT STUFF!! Okay, not really, but I still won the contest!

I am not certain of what this year's costume will be, but it will involve lots of face makeup, a lightweight costume that I can hand make and props. There is one particular idea that I'd like to tackle, but there is a prop I have to locate before I can even consider it. I'll update the blog regularly on the process of developing this year's costume.

Nancy's Buttermilk Scones
Late Friday afternoon, I baked up some scones! Be sure to check out the recipe for these I've posted in the right sidebar under "Recipes". This is a very basic and easy way of making scones. In my opinion, the best way, too! MaMaw sure did know a thing or two about a baked good. Good for me that I listened and learned a few things! These are really delicious. I hope you try them and I hope you love them as much as we do!

That's it for today! I'm enjoying the weekend and having a blast with my project planning. I hope you're having a great time where you live. Until next time, when I'll share more of life with The HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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