Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 356

Remember yesterday when I wrote about the $27 USD Grocery idea? (If you haven't read about that click here!) I said things would probably change and I think they will. I picked up the mail on my way in this afternoon and my local HEB (grocery store) ad was in the mailbox. There are some things on special in the coming week that would be GREAT for my $27 plan and so, the menu is going to change. (See, I told you it would!) Like I always say, "The trees aren't the only flexible things around here!" Yes, I'm full of nonsense!

For instance, Texas Corn on the Cob will be available 8 ears for $1! That is my side dish every night right there or an ingredient in a dish!! Also, chicken leg quarters are for $1 lb. However, fresh ground chuck patties are $1.97 lb., as well! So, I'm still thinking the plan through. I'm also not excited about eating eggs every day for breakfast. I don't, in general, eat eggs very often, so I'd rather have oatmeal or cheese toast most mornings. On the other hand, I do like an omelet in the evenings sometimes, so the eggs will be staying on the grocery list. So, the plan now is to go to the store armed with a list of ideas/options and calculator and look for the best deals. HEB is a good store. They have LOADS of in-store coupons. They don't do double coupons, but their prices are the best in the area. There aren't many options for groceries where I live. I've heard of discount grocery stores, but none of those are in this area at all. So, although I may buy many of the items I listed in yesterday's posting, I may in fact make a few changes now and some on the fly. I'm keeping an open mind here. I want my $27 to feed me well and make my point that you can eat very well on less money and be perfectly happy! In the end, I'll post a photograph of the receipt from the store to keep me honest and then we'll see what the meals look like for the week.

If you haven't noticed, I'm a person who CRAVES focus. I need projects, tasks, responsibilities. Call me any names you like, but this is what makes me happy. Whatever I do, I like to know it's purposeful. Do I NEED to spend only $27 on groceries? No, I can afford to spend more right now. Besides being purpose driven, I'm also a person who prefers to be prepared. The future seems bright and exciting when you're 22 years old, but cloudy and scary when you're 55. I have NO IDEA what tomorrow brings, but what I want to know is that I don't have to be afraid because I've got contingency plans. Part of being prepared is building self-confidence. Knowing I can go to the grocery store and feed myself for a whole week on $27 will give me some peace of mind and a little self-confidence. I guess I'm like the squirrels I watch in my front garden. They run around burying little bits of food for the cold winter days they know are ahead of them. This gives them the confidence they need to make it successfully through season after season, as they do. I've been through my own seasons of difficulties and I suspect I'll see them again before I'm gone. No need to be maudlin about it; much better to be prepared so when it happens you can look like you don't care! **smile**

We had a lovely Cold Meat Salad for supper tonight. Basically this is a composed salad that gets all tossed together right before serving. It was well received and made Salad Night a big hit. I forgot to take a picture of it, but trust me, it was good and filling!! I made it with a few lettuce leaves, 1/3 of a cucumber, 2 Roma tomatoes, 1/2 of a sweet onion, 1/2 of an orange bell pepper, 5 baby carrots, 1 rib of celery, some roast beef from the deli (chopped) and some Irish cheddar (cut into matchsticks). Some people I feed don't like salad dressing, but others do. The one's who do had a choice of Avocado, Honey Mustard or Double Garlic Ginger Lime dressing. Yummy!! Salad night is very much here to stay for the summer! I will even be trying to figure out how to have 'Salad Night' in my little $27 experiment. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to think about what you could do with $27 to feed yourself for a week. I bet you'll be amazed at how creative you can be! So, until tomorrow when we'll see how much more I've thought about this exciting adventure, Godspeed, Voyagers!!
Regardless of how much money you spend on the meal, be sure to set the prettiest table that you can! Nothing on this table is expensive, but the 12 people served here knew that I loved them and just wanted them to be happy!

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