Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 363

The fun continued on the third day of the $27 Grocery Challenge. I had the overnight oatmeal for breakfast, pre-prepped lunch and for supper I made the pancakes again. They were so good yesterday for breakfast and they were the same for supper tonight. I needed something satisfying as well and the pancakes did the trick.

Today was my day to clean out my desk at the office, as I'm being relocated to a new desk to share an office with another manager. Both of us will be working from home at least 2 days per week, making the 'shared' office 'private' when we're actually in the building. It is actually my same office since it is rather large. The furniture is just being replaced with new desks so that it looks nice and fits nicely for two people. There were about a thousand people stopping by all day asking, "What are you doing?" For the most part, people seemed afraid I'd be leaving, but most were just curious. I'm an open book, so no problem!

While cleaning out my desk I was able to pack up several boxes of stuff to be kept, donated and tossed. (Sorry no pictures...not allowed to take pictures in the building.) It was a regular Clean Sweep event. My keep box was not too full and my toss box was huge (a ton of really old binders of nonsense). The donate box wasn't too shabby either. Hopefully my office teddy-bear and various decor will find nice new homes via the Goodwill!

That's it for today! The food is good on $27. Stay tuned for more updates. Until tomorrow when we'll see how the low-budget day ends, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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