Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 359

Happy Independence Day! We had a parade down the street in front of our house at 10 a.m. this morning. The neighborhood association put out notices yesterday 'insisting' that we have our vehicles off the street. None of the folks who came to watch the parade got the memo!
There were the usual pickup truck and trailer floats, people with gussied up dogs and the local sheriff and his posse. Last year we had horses, but no horses were in the parade this year. Anita's Express, which is the small tractor-pulled ride for the tots that runs through the park during events like this was here. All of the scouts and camp fire organizations had a presence, as well. There was so much candy thrown around that the neighborhood is likely to be bouncing off the walls all day!
The kids just love Anita's Express. I sat on the deck and capture a few shots of it passing through the park and it really looks like fun. Makes you want to be a kid again!

We'll be having the normal 4th of July fare this evening including Hamburgers with Dressed Up Potatoes, a Corn Salad and Strawberry Limeade! Um, um, good! I need to work out some kind of dessert...I'm thinking it will be jello based. We'll see how it goes!

Thanks for stopping by. I'll post some photos of the dinner in tomorrow's blog and include recipes or at least a list of what I did. These things don't really have recipes. You just start throwing things into bowls and see what happened!! Until tomorrow, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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