Friday, July 25, 2014

The Garden Explodes

Wow! The week has really flown by again. I know that this is a product of my advancing years, but really, it can slow down now. Work is keeping me busy and I do like to be occupied for the most part. This week I didn't feel so very well and thus, didn't do anything very special. My focus was on being able to work effectively and it took all of my energy to do that; being under the weather. Yesterday was the worst of it, but I seem to be a bit better today. We'll see how it goes.

On Fridays during the summer, my work hours are reduced to about 6, which is great. This gives me the opportunity to start summertime activities a bit sooner and spend a little more time with my family. I'm very thankful to my company for allowing these summer hours each year. It means I have to eat my lunch while working each day, instead of getting away from my desk, but it's worth it to be able to stop work early on Fridays. Of course, if there is a disaster, I keep working, but so far so good this summer.

Speaking of summer, this has been a really great one; memorable in so many ways. First, it's the first time in YEARS that we haven't seen a 100 degree day before now. The forecast keeps saying we'll be there, but so far no. A few days ago we got a cool front that gave us a high of 72 degrees! What?? In the middle of July??? It's grand! Summers here can be brutal, but this year, lovely! In the spirit of all this lovely weather, I thought I'd give you a little view of the garden show that is our deck:
Yes, the plant you see in the lower right-hand corner of the photo collage is CORN! We put out dry corn on the cob for the squirrels (they give us quite a show trying to get to that corn) and one of the creatures planted a kernel in one of our pots and it has taken off.  What you see is the tassel on the top and we have two ears of corn coming up!  I'll have more pictures of this unusual crop as it matures. We've been reading up on what it's like to grow corn. It's terribly complicated!! The other plants are: Vinca, Petunia, Turk's Cap and a couple of others I can't name, off hand. I love gardening, but don't have time for it. Others in my family handle this and beautifully, don't you think?

We also have some roses, but they aren't producing much at the moment. The bush that grows the largest blossoms is in the shade too much. We got all if it's blooms in spring. The same is true for the climbing rose up along the front of the house. However, we do have a couple of miniature rose bushes that are just amazing at putting out flowers. One has been around for many years and simply can't be stopped. It is constantly under attack by some insect or another, but puts out little blooms regularly. I call it, "The Little Tiny Bush That Could." Here is a blossom cut for me yesterday:
The blossoms my look like they've been a bit chewed by something, but they just keep coming. This one is in a lovely cup of water on my desk so that I can admire it while I work. I think it's a beautiful thing.

That's it from the world of The HumbleVoyager. I'm working on some projects that I hope to share more about soon. Other than that, it's all about relishing the summer. Thanks for stopping by and enjoying the garden! Until later when I'll share more of life here in Central Texas, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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