Friday, March 21, 2014

Days 242 - 253

Have you ever spent 2 months trying to convince yourself of something only to find that you are wrong and possibly more stubborn than a red wine stain on a white linen table cloth? Well, that is a perfect description of me and my work to convince myself that I should be a Vegan. Guess what? I shouldn't be a Vegan! I went into this endeavor trying to rid my diet of toxic food and to be able to lose weight naturally. It didn't work.  Here are the top 10 things that I learned during the 2 months, while I followed a Vegan diet:

  1. There is something wrong with every trendy eating program out there. You name it, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Low-Carb, High Protein. There's something wrong with every one of them.
  2. I am a meat eater. That doesn't mean I want all kinds of meat or that I want large portions of meat or that I want it all the time, but I do need meat in my diet.
  3. You can drink Coke and eat potato chips all day long and still call yourself a Vegan. (Being a Vegan doesn't mean you're healthy.)
  4. Never, ever, open your mouth about what you've learned about food unless you're ready for people to take pot-shots at you.
  5. The best eating program is the one YOU personally approve.
  6. I'm sick to death of the sight of Soy Beans.
  7. Genetics do play a part in how I look, feel, age, think and act.
  8. I didn't ever like being called a Vegan and I'm happy to be over it.
  9. When you don't eat the things you like and desire, you are never satisfied and in my case, this means I ate constantly trying to find satisfaction; making it virtually impossible to lose weight.
  10. If food doesn't kill me something else certainly will. God only knows when that will be and I know that my mission here on earth, besides bringing glory to God, is to figure out how to eat like a normal person and help my son not have food issues.
Honestly, I am an average person with average intellect. Being average, I'm just like everyone else. Everyone has something that is like their nemesis and food is the proverbial thorn in my side. This whole thing started when my husband made me watch a video on YouTube about food. It was of a doctor speaking to a large group of other doctors. That video messed me up. The bottom line is that it pushed me over the edge and made me think the only way to live is like a Vegan. WRONG! Wrong, Wrong, WRONG!! The only way to live is the way you decide is best and no one should ever feel pressured to eat anything specific or in a specific way. I believe everything in the Bible. When I read Romans 14:1-4, I believe it says that I don't have the right to look down on anyone about how he chooses to eat, but neither does anyone else have the right to look down on me, either. All food is clean according to the Bible, but it may not all be good for me personally (remember those genetics?). Anyway, after 2 months of trying I find I am not Vegan and as I said in #8 above, I'm over it!

I am tempted to think that I've wasted valuable time trying to eat according to someone else's plan. The reality is that it is all just investment in myself. I know now that what works for me is to eat whatever I like and count the calories. On top of that, I need physical activity. That is my normal. Thanks for checking in on me as I continue the work to improve myself. Over this year I have been focused on improving my eating (which should lead to more normal blood work results), teeth, skin and thinking. Eating is still a work in progress and thinking is ever changing for me. In the teeth department, I had a dental appointment just 2 weeks ago and my gums have improved and are considered normal and healthy and all I did was lengthen my brushing sessions to 3 full minutes and twice per day, floss at least once per day and massage my gums daily. Skin is also so much better and my dermatologist froze a Dysplastic Nevi on my face yesterday. I'll be peeling skin soon like a zombie, but eventually the thing will be gone.  Here is what the spot looked like before and after Cryotherapy:
The whole thing will take about 2 weeks or so to turn dark and fall off.  In the top picture, I know it's hard to tell, but the spot was raised and bothered me that I could not hide it. I can put up with a little pain knowing that the spot will be gone soon.  I will also be trying some new medication for my Rosacea soon, but my skin, in general, is much better. So, the year (almost a year now) hasn't been a total waste. I've learned lots and hope I'll always be learning. Be sure to check back soon when I'll tell you more about the nonsense that is my life. Until then, keep your chin up and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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