Sunday, May 25, 2014

Days 318 and 319

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really don't like counting calories. In fact, I'll venture to say that I actually stink at it. On top of that, I'm hungry. I won't be successful at counting calories if I don't do it and I haven't done it for the past two days. So, I'm stuck again. I don't want to chart everything I'm eating and I don't want to count calories. So, in the words of my baby son (oh so long ago) when he tried to get out of his crib and got stuck on the rail, "Daddy!!  What to do, what to do???"

I've thought about this over the past two days and here are my the form of a list. (And you were thinking I would do something else here? Don't be silly!)

  1. I could work out weekly plans that have me eating the same food every day for that week and calculate the calories and then I'll know exactly what I'm having and the nutrition content.
  2. I could work out a list (oh, goody!) of the main things I like to have for each meal type and calculate the calories and servings and then just choose each day from the list.
  3. I could just stay fat for the rest of my life.
  4. I could create some eating rules that when followed, keep me close to my desired calorie count each day.
  5. I could have a big breakfast, smaller lunch and always salad for supper and probably get close.
  6. I could cut out all sweets unless it's a fresh, whole fruit and do away with all bread, butter and cheese and probably be close.
  7. I could eat what I want when I want it and exercise vigorously for 1 hour each day.
  8. I could cut out all junk food and just eat sensibly from my own refrigerator and exercise moderately for 30 minutes each day.
  9. I could have treat meals one or two days a month, limit my portions of whatever I wanted the rest of the time and exercise moderately 30 minutes everyday except Sunday.
  10. I could just eat half of what I normally eat, making sure there is a high content of vegetables and fruits on my plate and exercise moderately for 20 minutes most days, increasing the exercise lever up to 1 hour as I'm more physically able.
All of these are possible options. In fact most of them would probably work, except for maybe number 3, which we'll ignore for the moment. Next, I'll think through these and identify my potential options and label them as "IN" or "OUT". From there, I'll just give them a try until one sticks as the right one! So, here are my thoughts on the 10 options listed above:
  1. This is still calculating calories and an option that is ripe for failure. What if I get tired of eating the same lunch? I can tell you what will happen. I'll RUN to the nearest fast food joint and we're sunk once again. This option is OUT.
  2. This option does give me a great list fix, but again, I'm calculating things and I don't want to do that. This option is OUT.
  3. This is the anti-option and is clearly OUT.
  4. I'm not sure what these 'rules' would look like, but this might work if I make rules I know I can follow. This option could work with the right thought behind it. This one is IN.
  5. Okay, this could work, too. This one is IN.
  6. Okay, hands up all those who want a life without ANY bread, butter, sweets or cheese? Please notice that my hand is down. This option is OUT.
  7. This would probably work, but I'm not at a point where I can physically exercise 'vigorously' for one hour per day. But because it is a viable option for down the line, it's IN.
  8. This is possible, but the 'all junk food out' part kind of scares me. I'm in a world where sometimes you're stuck for eating options. If I never traveled on business and such I'd say yes to this one. For now however, this option is OUT.
  9. This one is real doable. I could see this working very well. This option is IN.
  10. This one would work, as well. this option is IN.
First of all, I'm really delighted to say that 50% of the options I thought up for myself are viable. Maybe I could have done better, but I'm happy with the even division of options. Next, I need to decide which of these is going to be my best option for now. If it doesn't work, I'll be fast about changing to a different way. Fail fast; change fast; recover fast. That's going to be how it goes. So, after careful thought and a desire to be both thoughtful about food and dedicated to physical activity I've chosen:

Option #10

I love list making! It really helps me think through processes and problems. My nature is to solve problems and this is just another of those that life (or maybe The Lord) has thrown my way to resolve. Yes, this is a life-long issue I'm dealing with and yes, we all have them. Even you! So, if you don't look down your nose at me about my weight battle, I won't look down mine at you about your fight. Agreed? Thanks!

Vacation is over soon (holiday tomorrow is the last official day off) and I'm actually looking forward to work again. I've had a great rest and it's time to use my problem solving abilities for the good of my company! I'm really blessed to be able to work for a great company, with great products and nice people. I thank God for my work!

The rest of today will be about laundry, (yes, I'm STILL the laundress around here...all my video making and blog-teaching has resulted in, yes...nothing!) cooking and enjoying life in HumbleVoyager-land! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the goings-on. Let me know what you think of my nonsense and if you have some ideas for losing weight without counting calories, I'd love to hear them! Just leave me a comment below. Until tomorrow when I'll share the news from HV-land, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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