Monday, May 19, 2014

The Foundation of a Nightmare

Nightmares stink! We've all had them. First you're fast asleep in your comfy, cozy bed and then in the blink of an eye you're being chased down the dark streets of your mind by a giant 'whatever' and suddenly you're sitting straight up in bed gasping for your life!! Well, how about when you think you're living a nightmare? I've been living a daily nightmare for the past 4+ years and want to share how I finally solved the problem and found relief.

There are many things in life that can be the cause of ill tempered behavior. Everyone has their problems and most issues we simply learn to cope with and move along. For more than 4 years that's what I've done; looked for solutions, tried many with repeated failures and just moved along, until last Saturday, that is.

On Saturday I was spending the day with my sister who traveled in for the weekend. We were happily shopping (something she loves and I'm trying to love) but all through the day and into the afternoon, I had to keep tugging and pulling, yanking and adjusting the source of my nightmare, my foundation:  My Bra.  Now, if you're reading my blog, you already know that I battle obesity. Yes, it's a big fight (HA, HA!) and I'm not winning at the moment, but I'm also not down for the count, either! Anyway, I have come to this point in my life believing that Bras are INSTRUMENTS OF TORTURE! In my case, the left strap will never, and I do mean never, stay up (separated my shoulder in 2002). The sides roll and droop and everything shifts when it's not supposed to. Throughout the day last Saturday, I had to keep yanking my bra up in the back and on the sides, pull the left strap up and honestly stop myself from running amuck!! Finally, at about 3pm I looked at my sister and said, "I can't stand it any more! Either I solve this bra problem once and for all, or there's going to be bloodshed!" I was being driven completely insane by an inanimate object and had thoughts of bringing the fiends who built my bras to their KNEES!!

Although I had heard many times about being fitted for a bra, I had resisted this notion as just another sales gimmick.  I asked my sister to go with me to a local store called Petticoat Fair, where they do this kind of work. They've been in business for 50 years and are a locally owned and operated business. So, off we went to Petticoat Fair. Let me just say that in less than 5 minutes of being fitted by Kerola, I was in the first bra of my almost 55 years that has EVER fit me, perfectly! The experience was wonderful. I didn't have to disrobe in front of anyone (except my sister...poor girl) and Kerola was the most helpful of fitters. I thought I had been buying the wrong size around (band size), but I was not. I was buying the wrong cup size! All these past 4 years (and longer, really) I thought I was a DDD cup. I'm not. Turns out I'm an L cup. Go ahead, ask me if I knew that an L cup even existed! No, I didn't!! I was ready to pay any amount of money to stop my nightmare, but as it turns out my new bra, in the right size costs just about the same as the wrong bras in the wrong size! Who knew!!!

So, my goal is to get EVERY WOMAN, no matter what size you are, to go to a similar establishment in your area and be PROPERLY fitted for your bra. If you have a tortured soul, like mine, you'll feel immediately better. In fact, I'm all but certain that if you were to survey all of the really hateful, angry women you've ever known, you'll find that they are tortured by their bras every single day of their lives. So, do yourself and those around you a big favor and go get fitted for the right size bra. It will change your life! I guarantee it!! Until tomorrow when God only knows what I'll share, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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