Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 78

Do you have a dream? I do! I have lots of dreams. My son calls himself a dreamer and if he is, he should actually call himself, 'Son of Dreamer,' as I was here first! To me, life is the pursuit of whatever I dream. To a degree I am living part of my dreams now. When I first left home at the age of 18, my dream was to just be able to take care of myself on my own, without the need of family help or roommates or anything like that. The fact is, I did that. We won't be comparing the level of success I had, but facts are facts, I took good care of myself and could do it again if I had to. Who knows! Someday I might have to again! So, the dream back then was purely a financial one. I wanted to be able to make enough money to pay my expenses, live where I wanted to live and do the things I wanted to do. For the most part, I was able to do that. Sure, there have always been things I couldn't do or have because there wasn't enough money, but that just made me either work harder to get it, or reconsider the want.

Dreams now are a bit beyond financial. Yes, I still want to make the money needed to run my family, but my dreams now are about experiences. I want experiences that I haven't had before. I dream about 'things' that could happen or that I could make happen. One of them is writing. This blog is more than just Nancy rambling about her personal renovation. It is a way for me to 'be' a writer every day. Now when people ask me what I 'do' (they mean for a living, but I'm not defined by my money making ability) I say, "I'm a writer who solves problems and encourages people." And that is exactly what I am. The writer part is a dream that I get to live and it is just a matter of me doing it. The 'solves problems and encourages people' part are simply my nature. I can solve problems because I don't encumber my mind with thoughts of 'I can't...' or other negative thinking. I don't predispose myself to thinking something can't be done. Therefore, my mind is open to all the possibilities, no matter how outrageous. It is sometimes when we are being outrageous that the best solutions bubble up! I can encourage people because I love people, all people. You may not know it, but I read my bible and I believe every word that it says. I know, I have a nasty mind and a foul mouth, but I never claimed to be perfect. I only claim to be forgiven. Anyway, the bible says that people are what God loves most and that we are to love them regardless of whether they are lovely or lovable or not. However, I also understood from the bible that if I would just do my best to be lovely that people would respond and...well...I don't know how to explain myself here. I can tell when someone is suffering without a solution, or needs an loving word, or whatever and all I do is try to find the right way to give them what they need...that's all.  As much as I want more experiences I also have lived 54 years, have been in business for more than 35 years, have been a wife for 32 years and a mother for 15 years. I have some experience in these areas. I've had money and I've been penniless. I've been well thought of and loathed. You name it, I've probably been there. I've had a share of hardship, illness, injury and loss. Not everything goes my way nor should it, but I am in charge of me and I make the decisions about how I think and act. My choice is simple: Make happiness and if it spills over on someone else, then all the better!

So, what are some of my other dreams? Well, a girl has to have some secrets! :) My sister is probably proud of me right now, because my nature is to 'tell all' and I'm trying to learn to keep some things closer to my heart. Anyway, there are some places that I'd like to see. There are some people that I'd love to meet and there are some experiences (work and otherwise) that I'd love to have and I'm doing my best to set up my life so that I can make these things happen. First, I have to be healthy and a normal size. Sadly, people don't listen to or take seriously the words of a fat person. No, don't try to tell me it isn't true! I'm a fat person and I know, what I know. After I get this in order, the SKY is the limit. No telling what you will see. For now, I write and work on my personal renovation. What about you? What are your dreams?

Here's a little music/YouTube video while you think about your dreams...

I hope you're having a great Day 78 in this journey. I've been running errands and have probably one more to complete. It has poured on me this afternoon at the grocery store. The water was coming down so quickly that it couldn't run-off properly. When I got to my car the water in the parking lot was over my shoes! I was soaked!! Good thing I love being out in the rain. I just wish it hadn't have made all my groceries wet! Luckily for me, I won't melt! Food is good and exercise is even better so, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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