Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 74

Days go up, they go down and sometimes they just go sideways. I think we can classify today as a 'sideways' day. It was one of those days you just want to see be over so the madness stops. When I say madness, I mean MADNESS! Wow!! I love my work, the company I work for and the people I work with, but today...well...it tested us all. I look forward to tomorrow and will relish another opportunity to see it be better, but please, God, nothing like today! What a mess!! On the other hand, it was a lesson on what can happen to foul up a perfectly good business day. When I write my book someday about my life, this day may show up in the business case study section labeled, "Don't Let This Happen To You!"

So, tonight was a parent meeting for our son's school.  Don't be jealous, but since his school is virtual, so are all the meetings I have to go to.  Yep! Meeting was in my living room and I think I got more out of it because I was comfortable and could easily take notes. Very good! Right before I attended the meeting, I did my nails. A white-on-white design of a sponged pearly white back ground with impressionistic white roses painted on top with acrylic paint and then topped with a shimmery sheer white top coat. Pretty!
Photo taken with the LG Optimus L9 smart phone...not bad!
The nails look pretty in person, but the photo isn't bad either.  I'm sporting really long nails at the moment and they aren't going to hold out for long. Before you know it, I'll be back to dinky, short nails again. I love nail art, but my nail bed is so small that when my nails are short, there just isn't enough nail real estate for me to be creative. I'm limited on what I can do when the nails are short. These were fun to paint and I got them done lickety-split before my meeting! Wow, Nancy can you say, "lickety-split," three times fast, please? Wait, while I get my camera!! Now, if the nails will just hold out the rest of the week for me that would be great!

I'm doing great in the eating and exercising department. I won't get to walk today because of the meeting tonight, but I will walk at work tomorrow. I have a meeting early in the morning with one of my favorite teams, so off to bed I must go. The meeting is at 7am and I have a rule about meetings: Never be loath; never be late! So, that means I need to be in the building, at my desk and preparing for the meeting by 6am. Translated: I need to leave the house at 5:30am to meet my personal expectations. That means I need to be up and in the shower by 4am...so...GO TO BED, NANCY!!  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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