Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 79

Weekends are beautiful things. It would be nice if they were just the tinniest bit longer, though. I take what I can get. In my world I can really work whatever schedule I want, but I don't like to take too many liberties...don't want to appear like an 'advantage taker!' My sister works 4 days on/2 days off, which means her two days off are different every week. She has gotten used to it, but I remember when they announced the change at her hospital. It wasn't a big hit with the staff!

Schedules can be the source of problems for people. When I first went to work for my company we were not guaranteed any kind of particular schedule except that we'd have 2 days off in a row. Now, they don't even guarantee that! When you start at the bottom you generally get the worst schedules. The way I dealt with that was I decided very quickly that whatever schedule I got, I would treat it like it was the best schedule on earth! Sounds silly, but it worked great!! My very first schedule with my company was 2pm - 10:30pm Monday/Tuesday off. It wasn't as late as it could have been, but it also didn't give me weekends off either. So, what I did was tell myself, "Now you have the mornings to do some things you want to do and you have the worst day at the office, off! Monday was the busiest day and I had it off every week! Sweet!! Well, back then we didn't say 'sweet' we probably said something like, 'radical' or something just as silly.  Anyway, the point was I made it great by how I thought about it. This is the basis of what I keep talking about. I believe that ultimately, we make things as easy or as difficult on ourselves as we like. I choose how I think about something and how I think, affects how I feel and what my life experience is like. I've worked nights, over-nights, days, weekends, the works! I haven't had to work 24 on/24 off and I haven't had to do what my sister does, but the point is, whatever schedule you have make sure to help yourself enjoy the it by thinking about it in positive ways. If you can't figure out how to do that for yourself, then maybe you're in the wrong place. Hmmm??

Here's some music/YouTube video to help you think about this great life!
The 5th Dimension was such a fantastic group.  Go visit Google Play or your favorite music seller and get some 5th Dimension sounds going for yourself. They were and still are one of my very favorite singing groups. Their songs were beautifully written and sung. I loved the 60's and 70's. I'm afraid I wasted that time of my life, but I was young and didn't realize that what I had wouldn't last forever.

So, it's a great life and when I say to people, "Have a GREAT day!" I really believe it is possible to have that every day. Yes, illness will come. Pain is everywhere and some of it lives inside my body, but that can't be the basis of my life. I have God's beautiful creation to look at, lovely people to talk to, music to listen to, new places to go and I honestly can't wait for what tomorrow will bring.

I'm excited to see what the results of eating properly and getting proper exercise is like. So far, it's good. I like what I feel and what I see, but I'm not deluded. I know the mirror and my clothes are saying I have LOTS to do. That's okay! I can do whatever I want here and I want to be normal; be a normal size; be a normal eater. I keep saying normal and you may be saying, "What does that look like, Nancy?" I'll work on defining that with pictures or something. Maybe a picture would work better than words. Keep in mind that normal for me, may have nothing to do with normal for you. Please define normal for yourself and remember that the word itself, opens us up to all kinds of possibilities.

I'm off to do the laundry, eat some lunch, enjoy outdoors and all the other things I like to do on a Sunday. Have fun and remember to make it a GREAT day! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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