Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 55

I was trying to remember when I purchased the current iMac that I use (love Apple!) and discovered that I bought this workhorse in 2007! I've burned up a hard drive (which Apple replaced at NO COST past the warranty date, mind you! Apple) and now the CD/DVD drive is dead, but yet the computer keeps on ticking! However, I've decided to move on to a more mobile version and have ordered myself a new MacBook Pro! I initially thought I'd get a MacBook Air, but nope.  I need storage space and the Air ain't gonna give it to me. So, I decided on the 13" (smaller is better for me) MacBook Pro upgraded with a 1T drive. Along with the 1T external drive I have, this should cover me for awhile. I got the shipping notice today, but it is currently sitting in Hong Kong! I'm very excited to get it all set up and start using it.

Since it is getting closer and closer to goal day, I find myself being very focused and excited on that. Work keeps me busy and I'm glad of that, but really, there is little of interest to me at the moment besides achieving my goal. So, I'll put this to rest for the day. I will walk at about 8:30pm to a Podcast I have saved from called "Call2Action" it is 31 minutes 39 seconds long and is my favorite non-copywright music. All of the other play lists I describe make me want to sing along, which I do sometimes, but this is music that lets me think and tonight I want to think. I am solving a problem (personal one) and I'll be dreaming up my list (Ahhhh...a  list...oh, sorry!) of possible solutions and hopefully decide on a course of action. This is my way and the music will help tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll have only 3 more blogs to write before the BIG one, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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