Sunday, September 8, 2013

Days 56, 57 and 58

So, we have day back-up yet again. I went to an after-work event on Friday night and that threw me off my game. Then, Saturday I fell asleep in the easy chair in my bedroom with this blog half written.  Stayed there until 3am this morning! All it means is that you have to hear about three days in one blog posting.

I have to consider Friday as a 'cheat' day, because the after-work event was at a local pub and there was pub food. None of it would ever be considered 'good' for you and I did try some of all of it...well, I shouldn't say that. There were some things that I passed on. No, I did not drink. Work people and alcohol don't mix in my book. I didn't stay much past 6pm, so I was able to get exercise in, which means I am walking every day now, for at least 30 minutes. I really do feel good doing that. It will be even better when I can go outside and do it, but it's still too hot until it is then too dark.

I want to add some light weight lifting to my day to start to increase muscle mass and improve my strength. It should also help with bone health, which at my age is more important. So, today I'm working on putting together the best routine and do just 15 minutes per day for awhile and see how it goes. I have lifting limits placed on me by various doctors (who just think they know everything) so I have to work within the scope of that, but I can do that! I know from experience that any amount of strength training will be of benefit. So, Nancy, "If you have experience with the great benefits of exercise, why did you ever walk away from it?" I hear you asking. This is one of life's mysteries that has lots of reasons behind it. The reasons would make a nice list, but I don't want to do a list right now. What I want to say is that exercise is not the evil thing you may have been lead to believe. It is also something that most anyone can do. Also, your body is very forgiving and will respond well to exercise. Talk with your doctor and give it a try! You'll be so amazed and happy with the results.

Wow! We're only a day away from taking the first benchmark pictures. As you may recall, benchmark number 1 is my Black Dress. I have to get into it, have pictures snapped and wear the item out of the house. Since that is Tuesday, my plan is to come home from work and put on the dress and have my picture made. Then I'll go out and pick up Sushi for supper wearing the dress. When I have done that, I'll be satisfied that I've accomplished my first benchmark goal! I can't remember what I had planned as a reward for my accomplishment, but I'll check the blog where I posted the list and make sure I take advantage of the opportunity to reward myself.

This being Sunday is one of my favorite days for doing whatever I like. Since I love to be outside, that's what I'm doing...anything I can, outside. Below is a snap of the statue on my front porch that I call The Guardian. I spent the morning contemplating him. (Really hard work that!)
The snap above is of a bit of the yard. What you may not be able to tell is that there is a birdbath hanging from the Crape Myrtle tree and in the tree my husband has built a platform out of PVC pipe for the squirrels to use to get to the water. Mr. Squirrel or maybe Miss, is sitting there getting ready to drink! I love outside!!!

Stop by and visit. If I'm not on the front porch when you get here, just take a seat and I'll be out soon! If you can't show up, I understand. You'll be here in spirit! So, until I see you on the porch or in this blog, keep fighting the good fight and sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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