Saturday, September 14, 2013

Days 63 and 64

Yesterday my family made a short visit to a family member's home here in town and those few hours really threw me off my game. I had to make a choice between writing the blog posting or getting in my exercise. I chose the exercise. It was the right choice, but it caused day-backup here in the blog. It was nice to see family, but relations have been strained recently and I'm just not interested in the drama anymore. My family is related on two levels. My cousin is married to my husbands brother. So, when I see in-laws I also see my own family a little bit. Different I know, but you'll get your head around it one day. The drama doesn't really come from them, but what there is of it is beyond my interest anymore. In the words of Tracy Chapman, "I'm too old to go chasing around; wasting my precious energy."

Today was about errands and trying to find a bag for the new laptop. I wasn't successful, so I guess I'll be ordering one from the Apple website. I did buy one today that looked perfect, but the computer was a tight squeeze into the bag and that wasn't what I'd planned, so back it went. I've been out most of the day running around, but that's okay since I like to drive. Someday, I'll be able to drive the car and want and really enjoy the trips! Until that day, I just go and do and be happy.

So, that's about it. I'm off to enjoy the rest of the evening and surf the web. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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