Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 53

Have you ever had one of those days where you thought, "Will this day never end?" That was today. The day of unending stuff! (Me at 7am this morning trying to get my hair to dry...a job believe me!)
I got in at 7am and it did not stop until 6pm and then I FLED! What a wild ride it was. I like to be busy, but this day was nuts! I thought a class, went to meetings, coached leaders, updated systems, solved problems and handled calls from very dear customers.  In the end, it took 11 hours to get me here. That's not good. I tell leaders all the time that if it's taking you more than 8 hours to do your work in a day, you're doing something wrong. Either I'm not scheduling properly or I'm taking on too much. I'll be working through a solution to make sure this ends ASAP!

I'm at least feeling GREAT! I am at the point where I'm adding the walking (on the treadmill right now) to every day. I was doing Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but I feel so much better with it, I want it every day now. The best time for me to do it is at about 8:30pm. I'm currently doing 30 minutes, but will be working to get it up to 1 hour. I really love the time exercising. It's my private time. I can think whatever I like, do whatever I like. For the moment walking is best. It gets my heart rate up and I make sure I sweat. I didn't always look upon exercise with the fondness that I do today. My family was not an "exercising" group. I do remember watching my mother following Jack Lalanne on TV once in the 1960's and thinking, "What is she doing?" Believe me, it lasted about 10 seconds. She was not interested in sweating. It would have been nice if she had taught me a thing or two about being fit, but that did not happen. That is why I'm 50X years old and just now getting it right! Shocking, I know, but true.

Only 7 more days to new pictures. Are you as excited as I am to see the 60 day results? Well, hold on it's just around the corner. Lets hope it's not one BIG let down.  Now it is about 15 minutes until I go and get my fun walking in. Join me if you like. I'll be listening to the playlist below today:
  1. I Only Have Eyes for You by Art Garfunkel
  2. What Is Life by George Harrison
  3. Dramophone by Caravan Palace (love this!)
  4. Happy by Pharrel Williams (double love this)
  5. Lovely 2 C U by Goldfrapp
  6. Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
  7. Strict Machine by Goldfrapp
  8. Rumor Has It by Adele
  9. Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers
Happy walking everyone and until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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