Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 60

The first 60 days has passed and the wait for the first set of results is over. Yes, I made progress, but please understand, I'm still a very FAT girl! I feel so much better, but I'm not nearly finished yet. Funny how the mind will make you believe you are smaller than you are. Even the mirror doesn't tell you as much as a picture. However, remembering that this is only one-sixth of the what it's going to take to get me even close to where I should be, keeps me grounded. So, first of all, here is a set of images comparing me 60 days ago to me today (the top row images are 'before' and bottom row is 'after'):
I can tell a difference, but can you? I hope you can!! No, I have not weighed, but I can say that I believe the total lost is between 35 and 40 lbs. Everything about me is better; face, neck, gut, legs, you name it! I am smaller, but WOW, I'm a BIG girl and it will be that way for awhile longer. 

The ultimate goal was to get into my little (HA!) black dress and yes, I did it with room to spare. This dress is a size 22 and I was wearing a size 26/28, so you do the math:

To have completed the task and fully achieved my goal, I had to wear the dress out somewhere. So, I wore the dress to the local HEB and picked up a serving of sushi for myself for supper. It was delicious! This means I fully accomplished my 60 day goal! I can't remember what the reward was, but honestly, just being some pounds lighter, with more stamina and fitness is reward enough!

I'm thankful to have the first 60 days past and for there to be progress. That means I can settle down now into the routine of controlling my appetite (which seems to be endless) and increasing my exercise. I also continue to work on improving my skin, teeth and thinking. When all is said and done, next July I want to be a very different, physically and mentally changed human being. For that reason the work continues.

Now it's time to get a walk in and get ready for bed. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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