Monday, September 16, 2013

Days 65 and 66

Skipped days keep happening! It's like I keep forgetting who I am and what my life purpose is. Silly I know, but the other excuses are worse. The day I skipped (#65) was a Sunday for heaven's sake! That's my most quiet of days and yet I let it pass without even a 'how-do-you-do' to the blog! So, my excuse: I was busy. Doing what? I hear you asking...okay, if I'm honest I wasn't doing anything of substance, the day just got away from me. Sunday is that day where I try to get outside, listen to music, eat my meals outside, do the laundry and REST...mostly my brain, but all of me gets rest on Sunday. Sometimes I do workout on Sunday, but I don't require it of myself.

Today I started walking for about 15 minutes before lunch at work. The day was overcast so it was easier to accomplish. Summer is so hot here that doing that from July through September is not easy. But, I know the walk helps me clear my mind and reduce stress. The day wasn't particularly stressful, but the walk was a welcome break anyway. There are days where something happens that's so good, the rest of the day couldn't possibly disappoint you. Today was one of those days. Something happened at work that honestly, the car could have broken down on the way home, I could have been in a major storm and gotten soaked or the roof could have caved in and none of that would have dampened my excellent feelings. Since it's work related, I can't talk about it hear, but just know that I think my work is GREAT and the people I get to work with are tops in my book!

Eating was good. As long as I stick to pre-portioned food, get my exercise and lots of water, I'm making progress. Nope, I don't have a clue what I weigh. I really would like to start working my upper body, but I haven't found the right routine. Sadly, I'm not good at putting these things together, but I'm GREAT at following someone else. I used to follow a routine designed by Reebok and I had good results, but I'd have to bring the weight bench back in the house to do that routine and I just don't have anywhere to put it! Besides, it's in the garage holding up a bunch of...well...stuff (aka: 'Cra*').
#Clutter #PackRatHusband #Don'tGetMeStarted
No, I want a routine that uses your own body weight (sadly, I have lifting limits) and not a bunch of equipment. I found FitnessBlender on YouTube and they say some of their videos are for beginners. When I watched a few I realized I am a sub-beginner! Oh, MG! Are they kidding me!?! I'll be dead before most of the routines are done. They really need someone like me to show that a real beginner can do the exercises. Well, maybe not. That would then be comedy exercise routines and nobody needs that! :)

The last two days have been good. The biggest challenge this week will be tomorrow. On September 17, we will celebrate our son's 15th Birthday! Of course, there will be cake. So, the big question is:  "Can Nancy really just eat a small (I mean VERY small) piece of Birthday cake? We shall see! **sigh** So, until tomorrow when we see how successful I was, sweet dreams, sweeties!

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