Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Days 25 and 26

What is it with me lately that I skip a day of writing about what's going on around here! Yesterday I think it was...well...who knows what kept me occupied. Things are just always hoppin' here lately. The sad truth is that I am a hyper person who is easily distracted. So, my son, who is easily distracted, comes by his affliction honestly.

Before I get into anything else, just let me say this, My Fit Foods, just DO IT! This is the only way to eat. I LOVE IT! Food is finally what it's supposed to be. I'd write a list about what food has been to me, but I'll spare you that until later. I'm still identifying all the things I made food into besides what it is, nourishment.

I'm getting better at making the exercise regular. My goal is Monday/Wednesday/Friday 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill at 3 miles per hour. Well, goal one is that. I'm not there yet. For the moment I'm doing 20 minutes, but I'm getting there. This hip thing I'm dealing with is nasty and making me MAD, but it will be resolved. The weight is coming off! I can tell in my clothes and every day it is better.

This trip to healthy land is the last time I'm going to make the journey. That's because when I get there, I'm movin' in! In my faith we call our bodies temples. However, my temple was on the verge of being condemned! I want my temple to be a mansion!! All decorated with the healthiest skin, organs, hair, nails, teeth, name it!! My mansion/temple is going to be the envy of the other temple owners. Okay, so that's probably an exaggeration, but I have high aspirations!!

Yesterday and today were the two days back in the office after a couple of days off. You can only imagine what that was like. CRAZY!! I love taking off, but WOW the first couple of days back can be MURDER! Yet, here I am.  I successfully vanquished the email, solved problems and made nice as best I could. That's what I do, solve problems and make nice.

Now, the problem is to get myself to bed. I've determined that I need 9 hours of sleep each day to feel great and so, I'm going to go get those hours! Until the next blog, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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