Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 32

Another great day in the neighborhood! I haven't talked about it much in this blog, but I am a cancer survivor. I am a very blessed cancer survivor. My stage 3 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma was discovered (I had no symptoms) on my left kidney while my physician was checking up on something else.  It really was a miracle. I had a complete nephrectomy in January 2011 and am doing just fine. I have the best doctors in the world who take really good care of me and family/friends who are so very supportive. One thing that has to be done regularly is a check-up, for my doctors to make sure that there is no recurrence of the cancer (this will go on for 10 years before I'm called 'cancer-free'). It seems that Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma is a nasty cancer that likes to take up residence in other parts of a body it has once inhabited.  That means that I have to see my doctors regularly for them to look for this nasty beast in my lungs, kidney (it's sister is sadly gone) and liver. It started out being once every three months, but I've been promoted to once every 6 months! So, two weeks ahead of an appointment I have to visit a radiologist and a phlebotomist to have x-rays (or CT Scans or an MRI) done and blood drawn. All that to say, today was the radiology/blood day! This appointment required x-rays, so no problem there, they go quickly and are focused on my lungs. But the Phlebotomist! Oh, MY!! If they don't listen to me, we have problems. I can turn into a pin-cushion real quickly. The one today, did not listen. I would have given her an 'F' grade had she not redeemed herself in the end by saying, "I should have listened to you, the client!" Because of that, I gave her a 'C'.  Lets just say I'm not an easy draw and I'll sport the bruise from the draw I asked her not to do for more than a week. And where did she finally get the blood she needed? From right where I told her she'd get it! When you know; you know.

I went into the office early today so that I could get through all the appointments this afternoon without any problem. Thanks to my boss for being so flexible with me. It helped in other ways, since traffic has been really bad lately. Going in earlier was very helpful. I considered officially changing my schedule, but honestly, as long as I get my work done and keep my boss in the know, she doesn't care what hours I do! I love that and so much more about my work.

Progress continues to be made getting ready for school and we're all very excited about 'virtual high school'. That gets underway in less than 2 weeks. So the bottom-line is that we are all doing normal things around here. I'm sure many people saw a doctor today for various reason, drove in traffic and are getting ready for school, I just choose to write about it here. It helps me...I don't know why it helps me, but it does. I love to write and it keeps me away from food and eating.

Thanks for humoring my need to share. I'll spare you a list and haven't shot any video today, so you're free to go, now. Except...until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties! ;)

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