Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 45

School is off and running! While others were piling into yellow buses, pulling on backpacks and hiking through miles of hallways, we were navigating the halls of virtual high school at ConnectionsAcademy (AKA: TCAH) via an iMac and loving every minute of it. Sloan dug right into Algebra and has been learning all morning about how to navigate the lessons and move forward through the work. He will learn very quickly that the work is hard and that he has to be efficient with his study time and focused in all his work. This is good since he struggles with distractions. Today, there have been many as he's been learning so much about the online learning format. It will all get easier as he goes along. I've been busy programming all of the teacher's phone numbers into our house phone, adding live lesson times onto the calendar and making sure that all systems are GO! That's my job; make sure everything runs smoothly. On top of it all, it's really nice outside! The weather provided a bit of a break in the temperature this morning and I've been able to be outside a bit. I ate my breakfast there and just spent the time I needed checking books out of the virtual library, on the porch. Lovely!!

The rest of the day will involve me cleaning a few areas (for instance, this messy desk of mine) and just have some 'at home' fun. I also posted my first 'Tome Time' blog! It was supposed to be posted yesterday, but bless my heart (something I say when someone has just done something stupid; i.e. 'bless their heart' or 'bless her heart' when the person just fell up the stairs or something like that...stop laughing! I've done that!!) I forgot. I love to read and by planning to share a bit about what I'm reading with the world via this blog, it keeps me on track and reading more often.

I'm learning that no matter how busy I am, food is harder to deal with when I'm at home with it all the time. When it is really available, it's almost too easy for me to start thinking, "I need a snack!" when really I don't. Today was no exception. I think I went into the kitchen more than 3 times trying to talk myself into a snack. I was successful twice. Who the heck am I kidding? I'm the least likely person to need a snack. So, today here is what I ate and this is one of the last times I'm going to do this (list food, that is! Sure, Nancy.  We believe you! *sigh*):

Breakfast - Special K Veggie Breakfast Sandwich w/Turkey Bacon (210 calories)
Snack - Small Banana (70 calories)
Lunch - MFF Lemon Turkey (medium size) (350 calories)
Snack - 1 oz. Low-fat Cheese (90 calories)
Dinner - MFF Killuh' Chili w/Backed Tostito's, Salsa and fat-free yogurt (425 calories)
Total for the day = 1,145 calories! Right on target!!

So, again, even with snacks if I stick to portioned foods as much as possible and keep it balanced, I do pretty well. But I don't want to get into the 'snack' habit. I don't really need them. Today's afternoon snack was just because I was full of nervous energy.

Besides walking on the treadmill for about 30 minutes (which I will do at about 7:30pm) there aren't many other tasks to complete. I'll spend some time on me and get ready for the doctor in the morning. Since I don't believe in 'luck' I won't ever ask you to wish me that, but I will ask that if you are a praying person, say a little one for me. God knows, I need every bit of the help I might get from the people who care about me! Until tomorrow and the next update on the events of this voyage, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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