Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 43

What is the best way to spend a Saturday? Clearly it is not in stores. I did finally make my trip back to the two stores I was in yesterday and did purchase the items requested and yes, I have to return something. Ugh! So, Sunday or Monday I will be back at the local department store exchanging one of the items, since I can't seem to remember that my son is now 6' tall! There was much discussion about the color I selected of another item, but there was agreement in the end that the color is acceptable.  Whew! That was a close one. It would have meant returning to both stores. The item that has to be returned is for my son, so yes, I'm the one who has to do the returning. RATS!

Me + Shopping = Disaster! #StupidWasteOfTime #HateIt #RescueMe

Actually, the best way to spend a Saturday is outside. Typically Saturday is a day off for most people and even if it isn't for you, stick with me a second. Saturday (or whatever day is your 'Saturday') is for decompressing from the pressures of the work week. The best way I know to accomplish this is to get outside, enjoy nature, breathe deeply and rest your brain from technology and everything artificial. Everything is temporary, I know that, but outside is at least, real. Saturdays have become 'errand' day for me, but I try to use it as get outside day, too. While on the errands, I put my windows down in my car and let the blow through my hair, until it gets so hot I can't stand it any more. I park my car some distance from store entrances just so I can walk in the fresh (car exhaust filled *cough*) air. Once I'm home, I like to spend time on the front porch just watching/listening to the people in the park across the street, the birds, bees, cicada and etc. The mosquitos are kind of bad right now, but I don't really care. Being outside really makes a difference to the quality of my life. If you're not currently finding your way outside at least on a weekly basis, please give it a try. It will change your life! As I lose weight and become healthier, I have a greater ability to be active outside. That's a great thing since where I live there are TONS of outdoor activities in which to engage. I'm actually looking forward to next summer when I'm hoping to be at least half-way finished with my progress. Okay, so I'm really hoping to be just short of normal weight, but I know it will ultimately take as long as it takes.

Food this week is likely to be a bit different than it has been lately. I am really missing hamburgers, so I've come up with a way for me to have, at least, the semblance of a burger. It is better for me to perhaps have a 'veggie' burger patty instead of beef and I'm okay with that. So, I have purchased a package of Morning Star Grillers burger patties. I'll use that with either one slice of bread, for an opened-faced burger or split between two extra-thin corn tortillas for burger tacos! I had burger tacos for supper tonight. There was some lovely cucumber, tomato and onion salad, thanks to my husband and I really enjoyed it. I was going to have some chips (baked tortilla) and salsa, but I'm saving that for another time. I did not eat breakfast this morning, so my calories might seem low.  Here is what I had:

Breakfast - nothing (Calories = 0)
Lunch - Lean Cuisine French Bread Pizza + 1 oz. low-fat cheese (Calories = 430)
Snack - Starbucks Grande Moca light Frappuccino (Calories = 130)
Supper - Veggie burger tacos + Cucumber, tomato and onion salad (calories = 310)
Total for the day = 870 calories! WOW, very low indeed!!

I wasn't hungry early and I had the grocery shopping to complete. Since there were lots of household items and frozen items to locate, it took me longer than usual. By the time I got home, got everything into the house and into their rightful places, it was really time for lunch. Now, I do not advocate skipping breakfast and I shouldn't have done it. Please DO NOT do as I did today! Breakfast is very important and I promise I will do better.

We are still having My Fit Foods for some meals, but I've had some difficulty with freshness, and so now I'm worried that I can't keep several days at a time in the fridge. So, when I have their meals, I will go and get them only for today and tomorrow. I did buy meals for tomorrow and Monday for myself. So, I'm all fixed up for the next couple of days. I know, I know...I go on and on about food, but that really is my biggest issue. As I work to get it under control, maybe I'll talk less and less about it. You can at least hope, anyway!

I guess that's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and spending some time with the blog. I wish there were words of wisdom other than, "Don't skip breakfast and get outside and play!" but really, that is the best common sense I can offer today. So, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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