Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 21, 22 and 23

Apparently I cannot find time to write a blog posting when I visit my sister. Today is actually number 23 of the 365 days of this journey to better health. On Day 21 I was enjoying a day of shopping and visiting with my best girlfriend and sister, Gena. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her. She and I are about 8 years apart, so we have had times in our lives when we weren't as close as we are today. That is as it probably is with most sisters. The whole weekend was just a big round of visiting, shopping and seeing the sights. I LOVED it, but was ready for home, too.

We used My Fit Foods while in Dallas (where my sister lives) and it was just as convenient and delicious as it is here in Austin. We also had lunch on Saturday at P.F. Chang's (I love that place) and really enjoyed the meal. I got lots of exercise walking and such and feel great! I can't wait until Gena comes to visit me next month!

I continue to have some pain in my hip. I stretch and stretch, but nothing seems to make it go away. The pain makes me walk funny and is causing my knee on that leg, ache. It is sad, but I'm quite a klutz and have been all my life. (My father always introduced me as his daughter who, "trips over puffs of smoke and blades of grass." I grew up surrounded by comedians.) Therefore, I've suffered several injuries to the leg attached to the currently achey hip. I shattered the patella on my left knee in 1990 and broke the left ankle in 2004 (actually, I broke both ankles in the same time. Don't try this as it is really boring.) and now this hip. I'm concerned now that I may have awoken something in my hip that is not just an injury, but something else. So, yes, I'll go see a doctor about it. Regardless of what is going on, I will continue to work toward health. I'm thinking that there may be arthritis going on here. I hope not, but I'm just at a loss as to why it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

Tomorrow, day 24, I will be off work so that I can help my son get ready for school. He'll be attending a virtual high school and needs to complete an online orientation. The same for my husband. As learning coaches, we have to learn how it all works. We are very excited about the school and are looking forward to making it a GREAT experience for our son.

So, that's about it for now. Everything is going along well and I feel so much better, even with a painful hip. Thanks for checking in! I'm looking forward to tomorrow and what it will bring! Until then, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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