Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 36

What a fantastic day it was here! A much cooler start to the day made it really nice for running around doing errands getting the final preparations done for school starting in about a week. I should have photographs of our son's finished room, closet and desk area, tomorrow. I still want to do some more painting in there, (his trim really needs painting) get some of his art and dad's art up and replace the light fixture. Those will take a little time to get done and so, more pictures in the future. But keeping busy like this is important for me. I need stuff to do to stop me from thinking about my stomach.

One of my errands today was to get all of the food for the week for me and the family. We are doing My Fit Foods, but we are also using some frozen meals and other options from the grocery store. I believe I have enough for the entire week, with few leftovers to worry about. Besides the grocery and MFF errands, I had to take care of a return/exchange at Stein Mart's, (love them) pick up some nail art decorations from Michael's and make a trip to Walmart. Okay, I don't really like Walmart much, but they just happen to have what I needed for school supplies, a rug for our son's room, underwear (oh, those are supposed to be unmentionables!) and other do-dads! It was a very busy day!

I mentioned nail art items above. You may or may not know, that I am a lover of all things nail art. When I was sick/recovering from surgery in 2011, my husband encouraged me to watch videos on YouTube as a way to occupy my long hours on my back. Up until that time, I had never watched a YouTube video in my life. I took his advice and quickly found things like nail art, makeup and fashion videos! All stuff I needed (still need) help with! When I saw the nail art, I was hooked. I consider myself creative, but without an outlet. Cooking has been my creative outlet in the past and you can see where that's gotten me! So, I decided to give nail art a try. Here are the first nails I ever did:
My nails were short and cuticles a mess, but from the moment I created these, I was hooked. Usually I do my nails on Saturday or Sunday. This week was no different, as today was Saturday and I was inspired (see inspiration video linked below) I did a manicure dedicated to the Marc Jacobs perfume, Daisy. This is one of my very favorite perfumes and I wear it frequently. Here are a couple of pictures of my recreation of Janelle's nail design:
I didn't come up with the design myself. (Wow! My hands are really showing their age!!) I subscribe to a great nail artist on YouTube named, Janelle. Her YouTube channel is "elleandish." I love her videos and recreate the nails she shows in her videos on my own nails all the time. Here is her video of the Marc Jacobs Daisy nails.  I hope you enjoy it!

The main differences between her nail design and mine, besides the fact that her hands are about 30 year's younger than mine, is my nail surface area is a little smaller and her studs are smooth gold and mine are textured. Otherwise, I'm pretty close! Great design, Janelle!  Thanks!!!

While out today, I discovered that my HEB is now carrying (limited selection, mind you) the Ioni makeup brand that Emily Noel (channel: emilynoel83) talks about in some of her YouTube videos. It is an inexpensive brand, but I'm seeing some good quality. I purchased a blush a few weeks ago and it's so pigmented I have to be careful when using it, lest I begin to take on that 'clown' look! Today they had some eyeshadows (I don't need ANY of that) and mascara. Now, I have a little 'thing' about mascara. First, I ADORE dinky mascaras. If I can smell one within my vicinity, I will have to have it. (We can all thank Sephora for that addiction! Bless their hearts!!) But I also like trying out new full-sized mascaras. I've tried just washing my face and putting on mascara and I instantly look better.  So, the HEB had two Ioni mascaras and one of them was the last one, so you know I had to have them both. Each of them was $2.25:
Both are waterproof and both very black. I have short, sparse eyelashes, so I'm looking forward to the effects of both of these. Of course I've opened both and I'm dying to try to try them out. Sunday will be FUN makeup day around here. The boys will probably hide from me. Neither of them is wild about makeup to begin with and I think these are SCREAMING, "Do a smokey eye, do a SMOKEY eye!!" They HATE smokey eyes on me; say it's not my nature to have all that dark makeup on. I love it! It's so different and sometimes a girl just likes to be different. Anyway, I also found two types of false eyelashes in the 'demi-wispies' style that I love so much. You'd be surprised how hard these are to find.  I bought two pair:
I've never had false eyelashes from either of these brands (my bathroom lighting is horrible - sorry for the glare), so one of these will be tried tomorrow, as well. I'll do pictures of whatever I come up with. You'll humor me because you want me to stay out of the refrigerator and playing with makeup does that for me! :) I can't wait to try these out!

So, for eating today here is what I had:

Breakfast - Jimmy Dean Egg Whites, Spinach and Cheese Breakfast sandwich w/a slice of ham (220 calories)
Lunch - My Fit Foods Cobb Salad (300 calories) plus about a half ounce of baked tortilla chip crumbs (60 calories)
Snack - A Grande Mocha Frappuchino Light w/an extra shot of espresso (130 calories)
Supper - My Fit Foods Almond Crusted Chicken (small) (360 calories)
Total for the day - 1,070 calories! (Oh, MG I did it again!) I under ate yet again, without EVEN trying! I'm sorry to sound so excited, but you just really don't know how fantastic this is. I mean, I know I can over eat without thinking about it, but I've NEVER been able to just eat what I wanted and it would be LESS than I was supposed to eat! The neat thing is, I've been really satisfied all day, as well. This is just so GREAT! I hope I'm getting the hang of eating the right amount.

Be sure to watch Janelle's video up above and subscribe to her on YouTube (if you're interested). Her nail designs are pretty easy to recreate and really cute! I love her work. If everybody watches her, she'll do more!! For now, it's time for me to go walk on the treadmill (I didn't walk last night, so It's make-up time). Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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