Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 47

Wednesday is usually a favorite day of mine. This one was a 'back to work' day, so somewhat of a let down, as I was really enjoying my time off. Can't be off having fun with school forever! So, it's back to work for me.

I may have written about this before, but I'm going to do it again and share this BRILLIANT (you may notice that I'm surrounded by brilliance these days) idea my coworker Jennifer Austin provided to me the other day. Monday through Friday, I generally eat my breakfast at work since I get there early, but prefer to eat more around 9 than 7am. To make life easier on myself, I usually take a frozen breakfast sandwich (The Special K Veggie and Pepper Jack one is my favorite) since they pop into the microwave so easily. So, Jennifer sees me warming up my sandwich and proceeds to tell me about a better way to do it. Now, like me, you're probably thinking, "Really?" Well, here's what she says to do (by the way, take special note because this is BRILLIANT):
  1. Take the sandwich out of it's wrap and separate the pieces.
  2. Pop the bread pieces into the toaster. (OMG, BRILLIANT! Luckily for me my office has a pop-up toaster!)
  3. Put the egg disk on a paper towel and a plate and put in the microwave for about 20 seconds. (My sandwich did not have any meat, like sausage or bacon, but if yours does, put that on the paper towel beside the egg.)
  4. Then, flip the egg disk (and meat if you have it) over and microwave for 20 more seconds.
  5. Check to see if it is hot and if it isn't zap for another few seconds until it is. (If the meat is done take it out. Don't want to over cook anything! The idea is to prep the pieces and make each one perfect!)
  6. Next, put the cheese bit back on top of the egg disk (I fold in any corners so it fits the egg better) and zap for about 15 seconds.
  7. Now take the bread out of the toaster and reassemble your sandwich! It will taste about 1,000 times better, I promise!
I will take some pictures of the process in the morning and add an image of the steps to this blog. So now, you have to read it a second time tomorrow! Crafty of me!! Jennifer Austin gets the prize this week for sheer brilliance! I never thought of taking the sandwich apart and dealing with the components separately. It really does make it taste better.  I am forever in Jennifer's debt for this trick. Thanks, Jennifer!!

Notice how I snuck in a list! I shouldn't have pointed it out to you, but you know I love a good list. I am so enjoying my weight loss this time around. Can it be that I've just grown so wise about it that it is now much easier for me? Or is it that I'm now treating it with the correct respect that it deserves?? Or maybe I'm just so old that I can relax about it now??? I'm so not knowing! All I know is that I'm in love with the results and all I've done is deal with my particular problem. Thank GOD for a doctor who gives advise that you need when you need it.

I wish I didn't have this problem to deal with. My weight is so distracting. When I stand up in front of large groups of people to speak, I keep thinking about what they must think. Honestly, I know I don't have anything to prove to anyone, but still, I fret about this. I don't like being a distraction or drawing attention because I'm so overweight. I don't mind attention, in fact, I guess I'm one of those people who craves attention, but I'm not getting the kind of attention that I want. Okay, enough said about that. I will have what I want in the future, or I'll have no one to blame but me!

Tonight is almost over. I will walk on the treadmill at about 8:30pm for about 30 minutes and hop into bed for a lovely dream and sleep. Don't ask me to discuss my dreams, they would either frighten or surprise you! neither of which is my plan for you. So, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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