Thursday, August 22, 2013

Days 40 and 41

Sorry to have missed blogging yesterday. I didn't get home until late and I needed to get to bed in order to be well rested enough for work today. That means that blogging was off the list for the day.

It went fine yesterday and I took my boss to dinner last night. We ate Japanese and I ordered WAY too much food, which shows just how NOT resolved my problem is. I did, however, leave about half of everything except the sushi roll. I did eat all of that. No, I have no clue how many calories there were and I'm okay with that. It was lovely to see my boss and good to eat out, but I can't delude myself into thinking that I've got my problem licked, because I clearly do not! I was successful at getting my walk/exercise in before going to dinner last night, so I can claim some success. The rest of the day was just work. Thank GOD I love my work.

Today was good, productive and busy. An interesting day and I loved it. I had my usual type foods and I'm glad not to be stressed over food. I sat outside for awhile after getting home from work and it is warm, but not scorching. It was just a bit still, which is not nice when it's warm. I would have loved a breeze. After supper tonight I will be finishing my book I've been reading. I'll share all that information in my reading blog entry I've promised every two weeks going forward. The first one is next Sunday. I hope people will share with me their reading suggestions. I love to read!

I have a friend who sends me great stories (I love a good story) via email each week. They are short and meant to motivate you in some positive way. Last week she sent one that talked about a guy who was concerned about the amount of time he had left on earth. So he calculated that he had about 1,000 Saturdays of life left, if he lived to the 'average' age of 75. He then took a jar and filled it with 1,000 marbles and every Saturday he would take a marble out and throw it into a nearby pond. The dwindling of the marbles helped him keep on track and do the things that were important to him (i.e. play with his kids, go fishing, ride his horse and etc). It was an interesting idea; having a visual to keep you motivated. I don't know why I'm telling you that, except to say, don't waste time. Please do what you love and be happy! For the most part, I do what I like/love. It is the beauty of living in this free land. I take full advantage of my freedoms and enjoy them fully. I've had my share of scares in my life that have made me remember how short it can be. Therefore, I try to live life happy.

There are many things to interest me or make me happy and if I tell them all here, I won't be mysterious any more. I do love me a good secret! Anyway, you know enough about me, but thankfully, you don't know everything. There are only a few people on this earth who know ALL about me and even they are not sure they do! I'm a Gemini, after all! Not that it means ANYTHING to me, but for those of you who believe that it does, there you go.

That's it for today. All is good here and I hope it's the same for you, where ever you are. Until tomorrow, when I might bring you another subliminal message about being happy, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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