Saturday, August 31, 2013

Days 48, 49 and 50

Apparently when the going gets tough, I don't blog. What a crazy week! Forgive my tardiness, but trust me, you didn't miss much. I'm dealing with food so well, it doesn't even bear mentioning...except of course, I just mentioned it. So, now I've got to heat up the activity more. The summer has GOT to start winding down soon! It's getting in my way that I can't exercise outside (mostly walk/jog/move). I continue to build more time on the treadmill just to work on endurance, but I want to get outside.  I'm so itchy for time outdoors that I'll do just about anything to get it, but the heat drives me back inside too quickly. I did myself a mischief once walking/jogging at about 4:30pm just on the trails in the neighborhood. I gave myself an excellent case of heat stroke and that, my friends, is something no one should ever experience. If you Google "heat stroke" and visit the Mayo Clinic site on the subject, you'll find a list of all the symptoms I had (except for the unconscious part...I did stay conscious!) and it made me sick for days afterwards. Lesson LEARNED! So, I don't do outside exercise in Austin, Texas at 4:30pm in the summer.  No, don't you do it! I've got my eye on you and if you do it I'm gonna know it, so NO, DON'T DO IT!

I was going to hop on the scale here at home and see what it said the other day and the damned thing is not working. Also, no way to fix it either. So, now you're going to have to listen to me rail about how everything is disposable nowadays! There is no 'battery' to replace, no reset button, NOTHING! Every electronic thing made today is disposable. I HATE throwing things away! It makes me so cross to have to put something in the trash that on the outside, looks fine! In the case of this scale, I can't even break into it and see if maybe I can dink with it (secret passion alert! #NancyTinkers) the thing is as tight as a drum and no screws (God bless Nebuchadnezzar II, who some think invented the screw...the fastener not the...well, never mind). I don't want to buy a new scale, but that is what I will have to do if I even want the option to weigh from home. I want the option to weigh myself at home? I have to think about that for awhile.  I'll get back to you on that.

There's not much else to tell you about. The last couple of days have been HOT (Wow, Nancy! Who told you??) but we've made it through and I know it will end soon. I just can't wait for the ice storm (I hope we have one) so that I can take new pictures of Texans (who don't know the first thing about driving on ice) try to get up the little hill in front of my house! Always an enjoyable day, that!

Not that it matters, but here are the nails I'll sport for next week. They are a tribute to Marimekko. (Google it and you'll find out!) Inspired by elleandish on YouTube!:

So, until tomorrow, or whenever I make it back to the blog, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

P.S. Go somewhere...breathe fresh air...see something! And when someone smiles at you, please do me a favor and smile back! *smile*

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