Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 46

Things are really settling down into a good routine. I will go back to the real world of work tomorrow and then we'll see how things go with school. Sloan is a trooper and I know he will do well. He had his first 'live lesson' via the web today with his PE teacher. It is fascinating how they are doing PE, but it clearly will work for him because he is excited about it. Sloan, yes, he is excited about PE!

Today I learned that you can teach an old dog a new trick. As you know, I am an old dog. I am also an advocate for life-long learning and so I invest myself in learning as much as possible and it is getting harder. But new tricks? They are WAY difficult. You see, I sometimes indulge myself in the thought that I know everything. To humble me, I try to keep wise young people around me so I can hear from them about just how much I don't know and be reminded that I indeed do not know everything. One of these young people I listen to frequently is Marie Forleo of MarieTV on YouTube. On Tuesdays, she does a video she calls "Q&A Tuesday" where she answers a question from a viewer. Right now she's featuring videos in her email newsletter that are classics (to give her a summer break from making videos, perhaps?). The video today is called, "How to Recognize Great Opportunities vs. Time Wasters." Now, on the surface this seems not to be something that would help an old dog, such as myself, with her life goals. But Marie's nuggets of wisdom are cleverly cloaked to make you think they are going to be all about business and then, WHAM! you see the BRILLIANCE of how the idea will apply to another part of your life. So it goes with today's video. I've linked it below. I hope you watch and enjoy the spot. Oh, and if you're thinking straight, you'll go visit Marie Forleo and get her newsletter, watch her video, make a great life for yourself, etc, etc, etc...

 Good isn't she! Naw, not just good. She's friggin' BRILLIANT! Not to mention she's just as cute as a button. Makes you want to just put her into your pocket! So, I too will be using 'filtering questions' (I'm not going to tell you about it, you have to watch the video!!) from now on to help me reach my goals. My goals are simple: 1. Be Happy.  2. Be Healthy.  3. Be Self-Sufficient.  My filtering question:  How does [person/place/thing/activity] help me create a happy, healthy and self-sufficient Nancy? If the answer is, "It doesn't." Then OUT IT GOES! For example, you know that I'm working to be fit and to literally fit into the smallest clothes in my closet. Well, I will use my filtering question before I eat, anything, and this should help me stay ON TRACK and NOT WASTE TIME with things that are not creating the Nancy I have set out to design. That's right! I'm living by design now, and if you want to have a great life, you'll start investing in some education on how to create it. Marie keeps saying that "Nancy's unique and has something special for this world." Well, I believe her and I want a great life that says she's right!

Not much left to the day, but it's all good...supper...light chores...take care of yourself stuff...bed...

Man, I'm happy!  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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