Friday, November 22, 2013

Days 132 and 133

I continue to ride the roller coaster of weather here in Central Texas. Today the high temperature was at about 1AM this morning and the current temp is 33 degrees! Brrrr...I'm cold! I like cooler weather, but cold just makes me want to stay in bed. There are several good things about cold weather that I do like. I can bake things in the oven when it's like this and I can wear layers, which I love! I just love a jacket, gloves, scarf and a groovy hat! I'm kind of a hat fanatic. The only problem is I don't really look great in hats. Anyway, it's cold!

I was supposed to be off today and I kind of was, but I did have to work at a couple of things. No problem! I love my work and I'd rather have to take a little time out of a day off to do something for someone at work than not have my great work to do! They were short tasks and meetings, so all is good.  Catastrophes are always the start of something new! Today's events weren't catastrophes, but at one point it felt close! **smile**

Have you ever dreamed of making a major change in your life? I've always wanted to visit England, but live there? Umm...I'm not sure about that. In fact, if I had to choose another place to live, other than the United States, I think I'd choose Norway or Switzerland. I have no Norwegian ancestry, (at least I don't think father was adopted, so I just don't know) but my mother is 100% German, so Switzerland seems right to me. Both of these countries are places I would at least like to visit some day. Since I'm a dreamer, I'm always thinking about all the possibilities. That's part of the fun of life; figuring out all of the possibilities that exist for any given scenario. Maybe someday I will live in another country, but I can't imagine it, so probably not.

Today was supposed to be my day to put on clothes designated from my closet and take pictures. Since any excuse will do, I'll use the rain and cold weather as the reason there are no new photographs of me in my 'old/new' outfit. I'm a SAD individual who has not been watching what she eats for at least a month now. #DowncastEyes #Failure #StupidGirl  Yes, this is my thorn. Honestly, I'm not even thinking about being thin, I just want to be in good health. The more weight I carry around the harder it is for me to move around and moving is KEY! On the other hand, I am cooking again and I love how I feel doing that. I'm getting vegetables into my family and I'm happy about that. My problem is still my problem and there is a solution. I'm still just baffled as to what it is.

I visited my favorite store today and purchased my Christmas gift for me that my son will be giving me. I'll wrap it up and put it under the tree, but I can't wait until Christmas day to open it up! I love Christmas!! The tree this year is going to be a small 2 foot one, but again, that's okay! I don't have to have a HUGE tree to feel the spirit of the season. Since I'm a Christian, I do celebrate the holiday as intended.

Okay, so that's about it for the last two days. I'm making it a point to add new snapshots to Instagram as often as possible, so be sure to check me out there. I'm HumbleVoyager there too! Now, it's time for me to clean my face, brush my teeth and get to bed with a nice read. Until tomorrow when I will sleep late, cook beans, bake cornbread and run more errands, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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