Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 130

I love life. Yes, I'd prefer to be free of concern and fear, but I suppose that is what makes me appreciate the good that is around me. Today was like most other work days, in that I got up, got ready, traveled to work, did my job, traveled home and now am doing what I love, writing. I'm conditioned to do what I do everyday. There is more to my day than what I listed here, but it is sufficient to say I also did all of the necessary things one must do to be alive on planet earth.

One of the things I did today was watch the latest episode of MarieTV, which I'm going to link below, because I think it is wonderful and that all of you GREAT people out there need to know what she knows. Also, she's just cute as everything and I just love watching her. So, here you go! Watch, learn, enjoy and thank me later!
Don't you just want to stick her in your pocket? She's so cute!! She is just fabulous! I love how she teaches with humor for human beings. We are real people and I'm thankful that she's around talking about real, successful people in ways that other real people like me can understand. Be sure to subscribe to MarieTV on YouTube and sign up at her website (www.marieforleo.com) for weekly email updates. Helpful stuff! I promise!!

Okay, so meanwhile, back at the ranch (I always wanted to write that in something **smile**) I was focused on writing my comments today on my yearly evaluation. Yes, it's a bit early this year, but the company is trying to get things done more efficiently. I am okay with this and got the task done. I hope I didn't miss anything! Writing!! Yes, I was in heaven today. In fact, I get to be in heaven most days at work. I love my job and my company and I'm so thankful I get to be there and do what I do with all those great people. Wish I could tell you about the company, but they have rules about people like me to write on the web. Since I don't want to cause any trouble, I keep their name out of things. **Smile**

During this 365 day renovation of Nancy, I've been working on thinking, teeth, skin (which I think includes hair and nails, too), eating and exercising. I have some successes and I have failures. I'm doing lots of falling down, picking myself back up, dusting myself off and starting over again and mainly in the eating area. I refuse to say that I'm hopeless, but honestly...I'm like some sort of brainless idiot when it comes to food. I really think this is my 'thorn in the side' that God placed there to keep me humble and constantly looking for his help and guidance. At 54, I've come to grips with the fact that I'll never be thin. Now, I just want to be healthy and not cringe every time I look in the mirror. So, today was not a fantastic food day, however, I did stick only to the foods I brought from home and I did not venture out of the office at lunch to eat out with people. I kept busy and ate only what I had allotted to myself. The problem is, I allotted a little too much...sigh... When will I get over this? This reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies, Moonstruck. Loretta (Cher) says, "Bad luck! That's what it is. Is that all I'm ever gonna to have? I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago." Different context there maybe, but the sentiment is the same. Although I don't believe in luck I am just as drawn to food sometimes as she was to the 'gypsy eyes' of Ronnie! (Go watch the movie, you'll love it!) When I go to packing a lunch, sometimes there are just so many things that I think, "Oh, that will make a nice snack!" or "How about some fruit?" I won't give up, because there is a solution to my problem, I just have to find it. That's what I think about everything, "There is a better way to do everything, we just haven't found it yet!" So, I continue to be a work in progress. In 3 more days, I have to take pictures. I'm afraid...very afraid. We shall see then what the damage is. Again, pray for me...I know I'll need it.

That's if for me today. Be sure to go and learn about the 4 things really productive people do by watching the video above. Really, you will thank me later! Thanks for checking into the blog and I hope you've had a great day!! It's time for me to go and do other fun things like laundry! Aren't you sad you aren't me? Until tomorrow when I will let go with something I think you should know and that I just want to get off my chest, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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