Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 124

Okay...who left the refrigerator door open? Oh, it's a bit chilly down here in Central Texas. This morning when I left for the office it was about 32 degrees outside. In my world, that's just cold. The nice thing is it warmed up to 50 degrees and the sky was bright blue and the sun was warm. A really beautiful day, which I saw briefly during my drive to and from the office and from my office window. I am very thankful for my window. Not every office has one so I know I'm blessed.

Today my company took us through a presentation about how the new health care laws would affect us. My company is one of those who uses a big name insurance company but self-insures so there is no insurance underwriter. This means that they call the shots. So far, it's all been good and although I know I will have health care, it was clear today that the increase in cost to each employee, due to the new laws, is going to be sizable. Remember all this when it comes time to vote, please.

Even with that bit of news (which common sense told me was coming...I do read newspapers and keep up with the current affairs) it was still a nice day. Lots of work, problems to solve and people to learn from. As usual, it's all good because I make it so. This evening I watched some videos and then gave myself a mini-spa night. While I was in Las Vegas with my sister, we shopped at one of our favorites stores (Sephora) and they always give great samples. So, I took some of my samples and gave myself a facial and then used some of the wonderful Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Ultra-Hydrating Body Butter over my very dry skin. When the cooler air arrives it takes some of the humidity with it and then people start turning on heaters (and you know who you are). OH MAN!! My skin drys up quickly. This Argan Oil cream is fantastic! It has a lovely apricot scent and I love apricots/peaches! They also make a citrus scent (which my sister likes, since she thinks peaches smell like dirty socks...thanks, Gena)! Anyway, I'm feeling all pampered and ready for bed. All I have to do is clean my teeth! **smile**

So, I'm finding it difficult to get back into the eating and exercise groove after vacation. During our trip I ate more food more often than I have in months. I know I put on pounds, but now I need to get back into the right place with eating and exercise. Also, I have to figure out how not to be like this. There really is something wrong in my head that makes me think it's OKAY to do what I did...un-concsious eating/no exercise.  Just when I think I have it licked, wham, bam! I'm right back in the wrong place again. So, how is it a person who is so good at making herself feel great cannot seem to eat right or exercise properly? Can someone please answer my question?!??

Okay, I'm not going to beg, I'm just going to go clean my teeth and lie down in my bed and read. That's what I need is a little of my favorite book. Until tomorrow when I might hear words of wisdom from someone about my crazy eating habits, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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