Friday, November 29, 2013

Days 139 and 140

My excuse for skipping yesterday is the holiday. We drove to see family (they live in San Antonio, Texas) and I left myself no time for writing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, anyway. It was a lovely day. We ate great food, spent LOADS of time trying to take pictures and I got to see a Great niece and nephew that I hadn't been able to meet yet. They are both adorable!

Does your family struggle taking the perfect photographs? At one point we were outside trying to take a panorama of ourselves with someone's iPhone when a police helicopter was spotted overhead. I immediately thought, "Which of the neighbors has called the police on us?" We were a mess! Here are my collages of the process. This first one just to the right is what it was like outside as we tried to complete the simple task of taking a panorama photograph that included everyone. This meant that the first person photographed at the head of the line would have to take over the camera so that the original photographer could go to the end of the line and be in the picture. That's right! If a thing like a family photo can be complicated I can guarantee you, we can do it! High comedy is the best way to describe our photography feats!
Next there was the same attempt at the end of the meal. We had many theories about how to make a successful table panorama and we had many attempts, but the best we could do was identify how Jackie, my sweet niece who will be studying to get her PhD in Psychology, will be able to earn all her money just taking care of this family. We are a mess!!

The meal was excellent and there were 14 of the family present. Later in the day, some additional family stopped by to join in the fun. We left San Antonio to get back to our snug little place in Austin at around 5:45pm and were back home by around 7:30pm. I was in bed by 8pm.

It was a great day of fun and if you celebrated Thanksgiving I hope you had a lovely day, too.

As I've said the day was fun, but it left me wanting to cook something! I'll share what I come up with over the next few days. Also, now it's time to plan for Gena's visit next weekend! She'll be here on Friday and she and I will do lots of fun shopping and stuff to get ready for Christmas. It's been quite a while since she visited, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her.

No, I didn't care what I ate yesterday and that is how it should be. I know I have to figure out the food part of my life, but I don't have to do it right now. I want to get outside in the bright, sunshiny day and take a walk. Also, I need to work on plans, update my annual list of 52 things and see where I stand for making my next list of 52.  So far, I've completed 29 of the 52 things. Not as good as some years, but better than some others and I still have a few weeks to get a few more in there. You can check that posting by clicking here or by locating the posting in 2012 for 52 Things, the in archives to the right of the blog. I'll update you tomorrow on my progress. For now, I have things to do and so do you! Go take a walk!!! Until tomorrow, when I'll share more nonsense and hopefully a smile or two, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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