Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 138

On this the eve of Thanksgiving Day, there is so much for which to be grateful. I'm sure that everyone has a list of things they are thankful for *smile* and I love me a good list! So, here is my list of the top 10 things for which I'm thankful:

I'm thankful...

10.  to be alive. (Life can be a challenge, you know!)
  9.  for creative people who share their talent with the world every day.
  8.  I'm a girl. (Okay...settle down boys, you're great too, but you know you love us girls! *wink*
  7.  that life is full of surprises and that regardless of what happens, I can always smile.
  6.  that I haven't yet eaten the last cheesecake on earth. **smile**
  5.  to have been blessed enough to be the mother of the most wonderful son ever born.
  4.  for a great job, in an exciting industry working for the best company, EVER.
  3.  to have been blessed to be the keeper and maker of a modest home and life.
  2.  for the love of a good man. (And you know who you are!)
  1.  that Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong. They are
       weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!! Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible
        tells me so! (I love that song!!)

I have to tell you a story about the song above. As a little girl I learned that song along with so many others in Sunday School. As an adult, whenever I've had a scary, sad, bad moment, that song is what I've heard playing in my head and it is the most comforting reminder of what is important in my life. Regardless of how bad it is or how bad I am, Jesus, still loves me.

I just looked up and see that it is just 3 minutes till midnight. So it's time for sleep. Until tomorrow when I'll share the experience of Thanksgiving with family, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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